From summer 2014 much of the CUHK Theses and Dissertations Collection will be freely accessible online.
There are significant benefits to open access electronic theses and dissertations. Researchers worldwide will be able to view or download the digitized theses and dissertations via the Internet for their own private study or research. It makes research material which was previously limited in its accessibility widely available and in doing so benefits the entire research community. Obtaining a copy of a thesis will become a more streamlined and simplified process, while authors and the University also benefit as there is huge potential to promote CUHK's research. The collection will showcase the academic excellence of the University on a global platform and can lead to further research opportunities. Providing free access to this valuable resource helps attract students, enhances learning and teaching, and benefits the community at large.
CUHK is not alone in this as many top universities have already made their theses and dissertation openly available. All print copies of the M. Phil. level theses and Ph.D. dissertations submitted to the Graduate School since 1963 have been digitized. Most of the materials will be made open access while some will be partially accessible according to the author's wishes. Over the next few months we will be contacting the authors concerned with further details.
Please join us to embrace open access and contribute to the academic community at large. If you have any concerns, you are welcome to contact the University Library System at