New Service: Chat with a Reference Librarian |
Need help finding a book, a journal article, or how to use a database? Simply go to our web page or Library Forms and click on Chat with a Reference Librarian to enjoy the new real-time virtual reference service. The service is available to you from 2:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday when the Library is open. We will assist you to find information for your study or research through online chatting and real-time demonstration of searches.
Passing on the Torch : Exhibition of 65 Years of Children's Literature in Hong Kong |
Libraries in Hong Kong are to join hands in exhibiting the rich development, history and achievements of children's literature in Hong Kong.
The libraries of The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) and The Hong Kong Institute of Education (HKIEd) will jointly organise "Passing on the Torch: Exhibition of 65 Years of Children's Literature in Hong Kong" with the Hong Kong Public Libraries. On display – in November to December 2006, as well as April to May 2007 – will be handpicked creative works by over 30 children's literature writers in Hong Kong. To arouse the interest and awareness of the public towards children's literature in Hong Kong, a number of valuable magazines and journals in the children's literature field will also be exhibited.
"Exhibition of Early Hong Kong and Macau Publications" & "Hong Kong Macau Periodicals Network" |
An "Exhibition of Early Hong Kong and Macau Publication" jointly organized by the University Library System and the University of Macau University was held in the Exhibition Hall of the University Library from 5 to 26 September, 2006. Officiating at the opening ceremony at 4:00 p.m. on 4 September, 2006 were Dr. Colin Storey, University Librarian and Dr. Paul W.T. Poon, Librarian of the University of Macau Library.
Hong Kong Academic Library Link (HKALL) Service |
Through Hong Kong Academic Library Link (HKALL), a joint project of the eight UGC libraries, CUHK staff, postgraduate and undergraduate students may request circulating items of the other seven UGC libraries, and have these items delivered to the University Library for checking out.
Setting up your Library Password |
The Library Password enables you to log into computer workstations in the Library, to view your circulation record, to renew and place holds on library materials online, and to place holds on materials of other UGC libraries online through the HKALL service. For students admitted in 2005 or afterwards, the Library Password is pre-set to your birthdate as yyyymmdd, and you are strongly advised to change it at http://library.cuhk.edu.hk/patroninfo.
For more detailed information on your library password, please visit the Library's web page.
Copyright 2025, The Chinese University of Hong Kong Library |