Interlibrary Loan Service For CUHK Final Year Undergraduate Students |
Starting from August 3, 2009, CUHK's final year undergraduate students are eligible for interlibrary loan service without the need to obtain their supervisor's endorsement. The service covers article requests available in the CUHK libraries and from other local libraries; as well as from overseas libraries with reciprocal agreements. Book loans are not included. CUHK's final year undergraduate students will have 20 requests as their free quota in each academic year. Please login to ILLiad with your Student ID and Library password to do a one time registration and then start to use the interlibrary loan service. For details and quota, please refer to http://www.lib.cuhk.edu.hk/information/dds.htm Phone: 2609 8741 E-mail: ulill@lib.cuhk.edu.hk