Videos on Literary Talks Available in Hong Kong Literature Database |
The Hong Kong Literature Database provides an authorized video collection of literary talks organized by the University Library System of CUHK and other academic institutions in Hong Kong. This webpage showcases 15 literary talks hosted by renowned writers, scholars and book collectors including Prof. Yu Guang-zhong(余光中教授), Mr. Shu Yi(舒乙先生), Prof. Chen Zi-shan(陳子善教授), Prof. Li Yuan-luo(李元洛教授), Ya Xian(瘂弦先生), Mr. Liu Yi-chang(劉以鬯先生), Prof. Lo Wai-luen(盧瑋鑾教授), Prof. Lee Ou-fan(李歐梵教授), Prof. Fok Yuk-ying(霍玉英教授), Prof. Fan Sin-piu(樊善標教授), Prof. Hoyan Hang Fung(何杏楓教授), Prof. Wong Nim-yan(黃念欣教授), Prof. Kwong Ho Yee(鄺可怡教授), Dr. Cheung Wing Mui(張詠梅博士)Dr. Hung Chi-kum(熊志琴博士), Mr. Hui Ting-ming(許定銘先生), Ms Poon Kam-ying(潘金英女士), Ms Poon Ming-chu(潘明珠女士), Mr. Lee Yuk-biu(李玉標先生), Mr. Cheng Kwong-Man(鄭廣文先生), Mr. Lam Kwun-chung(林冠中先生), Ms. Chau Tsz-yan(鄒芷茵女士), and Mr. Chan Tsz-him(陳子謙先生). You are most welcome to visit http://hklit.lib.cuhk.edu.hk/topics/talk/
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