Graduation of the Class of 2017

On 16 November 2017, CW Chu College celebrated its second graduating class with excitement and joyfulness.

The graduates, who were accompanied by their beloved families and friends, revisited their 'second home' during their undergraduate studies and attended the Graduation Ceremony. The College Master, Prof Wai-Yee CHAN, officiated at the Ceremony. He complimented the contributions of Dr CHU Ching-wen and Prof Kenneth YOUNG to CW Chu College. He also hoped the graduates, each of whom signifies a success in the College's educational mission, can follow in Dr CHU and Prof YOUNG's footsteps, and serve the community with a grateful heart as repayment like the 'Children of Chu'.


Just as Prof CHAN thanked Dr CHU and Prof CHAN for their commitment, Mr CHAN Tin Lok Benjamin, the representative of the Graduating Class 2017, expressed in his speech his heartfelt gratitude to the College, its teachers and staff for having provided all the graduates with a wonderful place to grow together. Benjamin moved the audience when he recalled the graduates' and his own grateful memories of laughter and tears staying at the College, and how they had made the most of their university lives and reaped the fruits of that experience. He hoped that after their graduation they could live by the College motto—Cultus et Beneficentia.

The Ceremony reached its climax when the graduates, to great applause, walked up to the stage one by one to receive their graduation certificates from the Master. One could tell how happy the attendants were from the photos.


It was a gratifying occasion to witness the growth of the College and the graduating class. Congratulations once again to the second cohort of graduates! The College wishes them the best in their life journey after graduation!


Please revisit the treasured moments at the College photo album.


The Second Graduating Class of the College
The Second Graduating Class of the College
Mr CHAN Tin Lok Benjamin speaking on behalf of the graduating class
Mr CHAN Tin Lok Benjamin speaking on behalf of the graduating class
Prof Wai-Yee CHAN, College Master, addressing the Graduation Ceremony
Prof Wai-Yee CHAN, College Master, addressing the Graduation Ceremony
Members of the Graduating Class 2017
Members of the Graduating Class 2017

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Donations (1 July 2017–31 January 2018)
Personalia (July 2017–January 2018)
New Members (July 2017–January 2018)
Dr David CHU Awarded Honorary Doctorate
Highlights of Cultural Exchange Activities
2nd CWC Festival: The Unexp10red
Sharing by Students Returning from Outbound Exchange
Graduation of the Class of 2017
Alumni Greetings
High Table Dinners in 2017–18
The 14th CUHK Intercollegiate Rowing Championships
College Service Team
Incoming Exchange Students (2017–18)
Workshop on Creativity and Introduction of the Julie Yu Scholarship
Residents' Association
College Activities
Culture and Language Enhancement
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