High Table Dinners in 2017–18

The first and second High Table Dinner of the College in the academic year 2017–18 were held on 5 September 2017 and 8 November 2017 respectively.

First High Table Dinner: From Film to Reality (Ms Ann HUI)


The first High Table Dinner of the College in the academic year 2017–18 was held on 5 September 2017 at the Multi-Purpose Hall. The Guest of Honour was Ms Ann HUI, one of the most acclaimed Hong Kong New Wave filmmakers.


Ms HUI talked about her works, and some of the vivid images that form part of the creative process. She used her recently released film Our Time Will Come (2017) as an example, and took the audience through her interest, emotions and passion throughout the production.


The film was set in Hong Kong during the Japanese occupation, and depicts the guerrilla activities in a rural village.  It centres upon the struggles of a young woman and the sacrifice of her mother who was involved in the resistance movement in order to protect her daughter. The tension during the dire times contrasts with a sense of optimism adumbrated by the title. As in any professional endeavour, in-depth understanding of the subject matter is necessary for film production. She was fascinated by the stories and pictures that she collected when conducting research into people's lives during that period, and she was surprised by the ordinary day-to-day life contrasted with the common perception of complete chaos during those times.


She prompted students to reflect on the relationship between film and reality—a film is but a selection of elements chosen and shaped by the producer to create a 'reality' that one can make sense of. She also recounted the compromises that she had to make in the production, and how leadership and being a team player are both important when working towards a common goal. The audience found the sharing rewarding and inspiring.


Second High Table Dinner: Opportunities in the Age of Exponential Disruptions (Dr Edward TSE)


The second High Table Dinner of the College in 2017–18 was held on 8 November 2017. Dr Edward TSE was the Guest of Honour.


Dr TSE is a member of the extended CW Chu College community. He is a Chu Scholar, having received a scholarship from Dr CW CHU many years ago, which enabled him to pursue higher education in the United States. He has held senior positions in leading companies such as Boston Consultant Group, and is the founder and CEO of Gao Feng Advisory Company, a globally recognized strategy and management consulting firm in China. He is the author of the highly regarded book China's Disrupters, which describes China as an increasingly entrepreneurial and innovative economy—a view that complements (or perhaps even contradicts) the more common narrative about a top-down and centrally planned economy.


Dr TSE gave an elaborately prepared presentation. He illustrated China's exponential progress over the last 20 odd years and projected its future development. With persuasive real-life examples and copious data, Dr TSE urged the audience to grasp the extraordinary opportunities that have arisen from China's entering a new era; these opportunities only present themselves to people who get them, who understand them, who are willing to embrace them, and who are willing to attempt to capture them'. Dr TSE's insights, drawn from years of observation of the Chinese market and first-hand experience of working in China, is food for thought as students think about future careers.


Dr TSE also shared an influential life philosophy with the audience: gratitude. He both began and closed his inspirational speech with expressions of gratitude to Dr CW CHU, to whom he owes the many opportunities that came his way. In honouring those who have helped to launch him on the way to success and happiness, and in his dedication to help others on similar paths, Dr TSE is a role model for our students—the next generation of Chu Scholars.


Ms Ann HUI (right) and Prof Wai-Yee CHAN (left), College Master
Ms Ann HUI (right) and Prof Wai-Yee CHAN (left), College Master
Ms HUI's thought-provoking speech
Ms HUI's thought-provoking speech
Prof CHAN (right) presenting Ms HUI (left) with souvenirs
Prof CHAN (right) presenting Ms HUI (left) with souvenirs
Ms HUI (middle), Prof CHAN (third from right), Mrs Chan (first from right) and College Fellows at the head table
Ms HUI (middle), Prof CHAN (third from right), Mrs Chan (first from right) and College Fellows at the head table
Inspirational speech by Dr Edward TSE
Inspirational speech by Dr Edward TSE
Prof CHAN (left) presenting Dr TSE (right) with souvenirs
Prof CHAN (left) presenting Dr TSE (right) with souvenirs
Prof CHAN (left) presenting Dr TSE (right) with souvenirs
Prof CHAN (left) presenting Dr TSE (right) with souvenirs

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Donations (1 July 2017–31 January 2018)
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Dr David CHU Awarded Honorary Doctorate
Highlights of Cultural Exchange Activities
2nd CWC Festival: The Unexp10red
Sharing by Students Returning from Outbound Exchange
Graduation of the Class of 2017
Alumni Greetings
High Table Dinners in 2017–18
The 14th CUHK Intercollegiate Rowing Championships
College Service Team
Incoming Exchange Students (2017–18)
Workshop on Creativity and Introduction of the Julie Yu Scholarship
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College Activities
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