First Lecture:
Topic: A Late Chosŏn Korean Polymath -- Kim Chŏng-hŭi (1786-1856) and Qing Dynasty Qianlong – Jiaqing Era Scholarship
Date: 3 March 2017 (Friday)
Time: 11:30 a.m.
Venue: Sir Run Run Shaw Hall, CUHK
Second Lecture:
Topic: The Great Reversal: China, Korea, and Japan in the Early Modern World, 1590s to 1890s
Date: 4 March 2017 (Saturday)
Time: 3:00 p.m.
Venue: Lecture Theatre, G/F, Hong Kong Central Library
Third Lecture:
Topic: The Restoration of Huang Kan's Lunyu yishu in Eighteenth Century Japan and China
Date: 8 March 2017 (Wednesday)
Time: 4:00 p.m.
Venue: Lecture Theatre 2, Yasumoto International Academic Park, CUHK
All lectures will be conducted in English. All are welcome. Seats are limited. For enquiries, please contact Ms. Angela Chan
Tel: 3943-7601; E-mail:
B. Yen Kwo-Yung Lecture in Life Sciences
The "Yen Kwo Yung Lecture in Life Sciences" is generously sponsored by The Mr. Yen Kwo Yung Memorial Fund. This year, we have invited Prof. Peter WH Holland to be the guest speaker. The details are as follows:
First Lecture:
Topic: The power of evolution and the path to scientific discovery
Date: 7 April 2017 (Friday)
Time: 11:30 am – 1:15 pm
Venue: Sir Run Run Hall, CUHK
Second Lecture:
Topic: The tree of life: an idea that changed the world
Date: 8 April 2017 (Saturday)
Time: 4:30 pm – 6 pm
Venue: Lecture Hall, Hong Kong Science Museum
Third Lecture:
Topic: Embryos, Evolution and the Homeobox: Why Animals are Similar and Different
Date: 10 April 2017 (Monday)
Time: 5:30 pm
Venue: LT5, Lady Shaw Building, CUHK
For enquiries, please contact Ms. Xenia Wan
Tel: 3943-3739; E-mail: