(備註:如 閣下未能完成捐款程序或在完成網上交易後沒有收到參考編號,請電郵至
查詢 閣下的交易紀錄。)
(Remark: If you are unable to complete the donation process or do not receive a reference number after completing the online transaction, please email
nacgift@cuhk.edu.hk to enquire about your transaction record.)
*必須填寫 Mandatory Fields
捐 贈 意 願 Donation Purpose
本人欲捐款支持以下項目 I would like to make a donation in support of the following area(s)*
(應屆畢業生捐助書院「新亞書院畢業班獎學金」港幣200元或以上,憑捐款確認電郵轉發給 nacgift@cuhk.edu.hk 申請 ,即可免費獲取書院證書套。現時只提供順豐速運發貨,收件人貨到支付運費。)
(Fresh-graduates may obtain a College Certificate Holder for free by donating HK$200 or more to “New Asia College Graduation Class Scholarship”. Please forward the donation acknowledgement email to nacgift@cuhk.edu.hk to make the request. We only make the shipment by SF-Express and the recipient will pay for the shipping fee upon arrival.)
備註 Note:
註#1: 捐款港幣一百元或以上,可憑收據申請於香港扣稅。
註#2: 每年累計捐贈額達港幣一萬元之人士/ 機構芳名將刊載於新亞書院有關刊物。
註#3: 捐贈港幣五萬元或以上之人士/ 機構芳名將永誌於本院的電子版「捐款人士及機構芳名匾」上。
註#4: 所有捐款須通過大學校董會批准接受。如捐款不獲接受,大學將退款予捐贈人。
Note#1: Receipts of HK$100 or more can be used for tax-deductible purpose in Hong Kong.
Note#2: Name of donor/organization donating accumulated HK$10,000 or above in a year will be published in the relevant publications of the New Asia College.
Note#3: Name of donor/organization donating HK$50,000 or above will be embedded in the College’s electronic “Donor Recognition Plaque”.
Note#4: Acceptance of donation is subject to the approval of the University Council of The Chinese University of Hong Kong. All unaccepted donation will be returned to respective donor.
Collection of Personal Information
I agree the above personal data provided to New Asia College, the Chinese University of
Hong Kong, would be updated in the database maintained by the Chinese University of
Hong Kong (the University) and used for the University contact with me and promotion of
latest news (including any events and functions to be held, courses to be organized,
solicitation of donations, discount, benefit and service offers, and other alumni affairs
related activities). If I am a member of The New Asia College Alumni Association (The Alumni
Association of New Asia College, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Limited), the above data
would also be updated in the member database of this association.
Personal Information Access and Amendment
You have the right to request access to and (if appropriate) correction of personal
data held by NA. If you wish to exercise this right, please e-mail
to nacgift@cuhk.edu.hk or write to us at:
New Asia College
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Shatin, N.T.
Hong Kong
Copyright © 2025 New Asia College, The Chinese University of
Hong Kong. All rights reserved.