Alumni Homecoming Day 2018
The Alumni Homecoming Day 2018 was organised by CUHK on 24 November 2018 to welcome alumni back to their alma mater.
During the day, a carnival game booth was set up by the College at the University Mall. Three current students of the College served as student ambassadors to run the fun-filled booth games. To attract University alumni and their families and friends to visit our booth, sugar paintings of 'CWC' were given to the game players as prizes. Visitors got to understand about the College Vision—Intimate, International, Intellectual and Involved, through the games and introduction by the student ambassadors.
In the evening, Prof Wai-Yee CHAN, College Master, hosted the second Alumni Homecoming Dinner to extend the College's warm welcome to 13 alumni. Prof Thomas AU, Associate College Master and Dean of Students, Prof WONG Suk Ying, Warden of the College Hostel, Prof Kenneth YOUNG, Founding Master, and Ms Melody LEE, College Secretary, also joined this heart-warming hotpot reunion to hear the alumni's life updates.