Night Talk: How Einstein Changed Our World

Prof Tjonnie LI, Assistant Professor, Department of Physics, hosted a Night Talk on 23 January 2019. Targeting students from non-Physics majors, the talk aimed to introduce the audience to four prominent physical concepts Einstein proposed and the modern applications of his findings, such as the Global Positioning System (GPS).

The discoveries were published in 1905, on the photoelectric effect, Brownian motion, special relativity and mass–energy equivalence. They contributed substantially to the foundation of modern physics and changed people's views on space, time and matter. Einstein's proposed model of the photoelectric effect contributed to the development of quantum mechanics and earned him the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1921. Prof LI simplified the complicated concepts with diagrams, graphs and daily life examples, so that they were easier for students to digest.


Around 20 College students attended the talk. Some of them stayed behind afterwards and raised questions about the physical concepts Prof LI had introduced. He was glad that the talk enhanced the students' interest in Physics.
Prof Tjonnie LI (second from right) joining the College communal dinner before the Night Talk
Prof Tjonnie LI (second from right) joining the College communal dinner before the Night Talk
Prof LI introducing some physical theories to the audience
Prof LI introducing some physical theories to the audience
Prof LI explaining the physical concepts of space and time to the audience with diagrams and graphs
Prof LI explaining the physical concepts of space and time to the audience with diagrams and graphs
The Night Talk attracted around 20 participants.
The Night Talk attracted around 20 participants.
A student raised his question after the Night Talk.
A student raised his question after the Night Talk.

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