Event: Lingnan Cities Culture Lecture Series II—The Salvation of Cities: Migrants, Classes and Charitable Activities in Shantou in Late Ming and Early Qing Dynasties |
On 27 April 2015, Professor Choi Chi Cheung, Vice Chairman and Professor of the Department of History, CUHK, was invited by the Institute of Chinese Studies to give a talk for the Lingnan Cities Culture Lecture Series on the topic of "Migrants, Classes and Charitable Activities in Shantou in Late Ming and Early Qing Dynasties". Through the study of religious charitable activities, Professor Choi "attempts to investigate how traditional rural rituals and networks operate and plant roots in a newly arising coastal city which is closely connected with overseas, and at the same time discusses whether the Chinese overseas experience inspires hometown modernisation or, with the bulk remittances, strengthens traditional belief and ways of living". |
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