From the Editor

Even with unprecedented challenges this academic year, we bring to you Issue 22 of the CW Chu College Newsletter, which summarises the College events, activities and achievements from July 2019 onwards.

In response to the early termination of Term 1 due to social unrest in November 2019, and on-campus class suspension amid the COVID-19 pandemic in Term 2, the College Hostel has been closed twice, and a number of College events, activities and programmes have been postponed, suspended or cancelled. Despite the turbulence, we are grateful for still being able to hold the Graduation Ceremony 2018–19 to extend our blessings to our Class of 2019, and for having a group of enthusiastic students running the fourth CWC Festival to promote College culture and spirit. Much to our delight, quite a few of our students received The Outstanding Students Awards 2019 from the University. Congratulations on their achievements!

In these difficult times, we would like to express our heartfelt gratitude towards our friends for their continuing support, and all our College members who have been standing strong together, helping one another through the current challenges.

Back To This Issue
From the Editor
Donations (1 July 2019–17 April 2020)
Personalia (1 July 2019–17 April 2020)
Sailing Through Adversities
College Graduation Ceremony 2018–19
College Orientation Camp 2019
Italian Cultural Night
CWC Festival 2019: Spectacle
Mentorship Scheme 2019–20
Career and Internship Scheme
College Service Team
Student Union
Residents' Association
Incoming Exchange Students (2019–20)
Sharing by Graduating Class of 2020
Sharing by Students Returning from Outbound Exchange
Alumni Greetings
High Table Dinners in 2019–20
Peer Mentoring Program 2019
College Activities
Culture and Language Enhancement
Outreach Activity
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