New Publications |
- Journal of Chinese Studies, no.73, Institute of Chinese Studies
- Twenty-First Century Bimonthly, Issue 185 (June 2021), Research Centre for Contemporary Chinese Culture
- Twenty-First Century Bimonthly, Issue 186 (August 2021), Research Centre for Contemporary Chinese Culture
- Twenty-First Century Bimonthly, Issue 187 (October 2021), Research Centre for Contemporary Chinese Culture
- Current Research in Chinese Linguistics (Volume 100 Number 2), T.T. Ng Chinese Language Research Centre
- Studies in Chinese Linguistics (Volume 42 Number 1), T.T. Ng Chinese Language Research Centre
- Renditions No. 95 (Spring 2021), Research Centre for Translation
- Renditions No. 96 (Autumn 2021), Research Centre for Translation
- Filling the Interregnum: Zhengtong, Jingtai and Tianshun Porcelain of the Ming Dynasty in Hong Kong Collections, Art Museum
Journal of Chinese Studies, no.73, Institute of Chinese Studies

Number 73 (July 2021) of the Journal of Chinese Studies has just been published. It contains 4 article, 14 book reviews and spans 285 pages.
- Xu Qishan, “The Imperial Examination and Political Situation in the Late Gaozong Reign of Song Dynasty”
- Ya Zuo, “Male Tears in Song China (960–1279)”
- Cheung Kam Siu, “A Study of the Transmission and Current Status ofthe Gaoyou Wangs’ Manuscripts at Peking University”
- Lu Jun-Yuan, “The Change in Zhang Taiyan’s Study of 'Zuozhuan': Inspirations from the Three-script Stone Engraved Version from the Wei Era”
Book Reviews
- T. H. Barrett, “Women in Tang China. By Bret Hinsch”
- Wing-cheuk Chan, “Xiong Shili’s Understanding of Reality and Function, 1920–1937. By Yu Sang”
- Karl-Heinz Pohl, “Becoming Human: Li Zehou’s Ethics. By Jana S. Rošker ”
- Morris Rossabi, “Tea War: A History of Capitalism in China and India. By Andrew B. Liu”
- Wilt L. Idema, “The Lady of Linshui Pacifies Demons: A Seventeenth-Century Novel. Translated by Kristin Ingrid Fryklund. Introduction by Mark Edward Lewis and Brigitte Baptandier. Annotations by Brigitte Baptandier”
- Peter Lorge, “The Making of Song Dynasty History: Sources and Narratives, 960–1279. By Charles Hartman”
- Ellen Widmer, “Further Adventures on the Journey to the West. By Master of Silent Whistle Studio. Translated by Qiancheng Li and Robert E. Hegel”
- François Gipouloux, “Whampoa and the Canton Trade: Life and Death in a Chinese Port, 1700–1842. By Paul A. Van Dyke”
- Ann Waltner, “Transmutations of Desire: Literature and Religion in Late Imperial China. By Li Qiancheng”
- Evelyn S. Rawski, “Where Dragon Veins Meet: The Kangxi Emperor and His Estate at Rehe. By Stephen H. Whiteman”
- Scott Pearce, “China’s Northern Wei Dynasty, 386–535: The Struggle for Legitimacy. By Puning Liu”
- Lothar von Falkenhausen, “Zhou History Unearthed: The Bamboo Manuscript Xinian and Early Chinese Historiography. By Yuri Pines”
- Joseph P. McDermott, “Circulating the Code: Print Media and Legal Knowledge in Qing China. By Ting Zhang”
- Michael Hunter, “Honor and Shame in Early China. By Mark Edward Lewis”
For more details, please visit the Journal of Chinese Studies website: Click here
Twenty-First Century Bimonthly, Issue 185 (June 2021), Research Centre for Contemporary Chinese Culture

On the centenary of the birth of John Rawls and the fiftieth anniversary of the publication of A Theory of Justice, we present a special issue to commemorate the great philosopher by reviewing the contemporary significance of the theory of justice.
The Twenty-First Century Review
The Fiftieth Anniversary of the Publication of John Rawls’s “A Theory of Justice”
- Chow Po-chung, "John Rawls and Chinese Liberalism"
- Li Man-kong, "Conditions for the Rule of Law and the Idea of Popular Sovereignty: Li Man-kong A Dialogue between John Rawls’s Constitutional View and Hong Kong’s Experience"
- Shei Ser-min, "John Rawls’s Theory of Justice and Transitional Justice"
- Kwok Chi, "'A Theory of Justice' in the Age of Neoliberalism"
Research Articles
- Sun Yan-fei, "State Capacity and Legitimacy: A Study of Countries’ Effectiveness in Preventing and Controlling the COVID-19 Pandemic"
- Liu Hong and Wang Ting-yan, "The 'Singapore Model' and China’s Reform and Opening Up: An Empirical Study of the Chinese 'Mayors’ Class' at Nanyang Technological University"
- Jiang Hua-jie, "Poland as a Mirror: The Solidarity Movement and China’s Reform and Opening Up."
- You Lan, "A Historical Review of North Vietnam’s Imitation of the Great Leap Forward in China (1958-1960)"
View on the World
- Yang Jia-ning, "Memory, Mourning and the Limit of Historical Narratives: Rithy Panh’s Films of Khmer Rouge."
Book Reviews
- Tsang Sui-ming, "Warning to a Prosperous Age?: 'A Review on Jiwei Ci, Democracy in China: The Coming Crisis'"
- Li Ming-kun, "Philosophy and Politics in Modernity: A Review on Richard L. Velkley, 'Heidegger, Strauss, and the Premises of Philosophy on Original Forgetting'"
For more details, please visit the Twenty-First Century Bimonthly website: Click here
Twenty-First Century Bimonthly, Issue 186 (August 2021), Research Centre for Contemporary Chinese Culture

“The Twenty-First Century Review” presents the topic “‘Dual Circulation’ and the Transformation of the Chinese Economy”. Apart from analysing the strategical meaning and significance of “Dual Circulation”, three scholars also discuss the future prospect of the transformation of Chinese economy from different angles.
The Twenty-First Century Review
“Dual Circulation” and the Transformation of the Chinese Economy
- Wang Xiao-lu, "'Dual Circulation” and China’s Domestic Demand"
- Zhou Tian-yong and Xu Wen-li, "The Crux of China’s Balanced Economic Growth and ItsSolutions"
- Cui Zhi-yuan, "'Dual Circulation', Global Value Chain, and Additive Manufacturing:Preliminary Thoughts on China’s New Development Strategy"
Research Articles
- Xu Liang, "From Individual Liberation to Organizational Obedience: The Influences of Emotion on Revolutionary Youths in the Early Years of the Chinese Communist Party"
- Liu Shui-zhan, "Early Inner-party Struggle in the Soviet Area of Fujian: Reexamining the Incident of Division of Troops between Fu Baicui and the Special Committee of Western Fujian"
- Ying Xing and Rong Si-heng, " Inner-party Struggle in the Northwest Revolutionary Base Area during the Early Days of the Chinese Communist Party: Focusing on the Relationship between Liu Zhidan and Xie Zichang"
- Chen De-jun, "The Implementation of the Policy of Grain Tax in Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia Border Region during the Second Sino-Japanese War (Part I)"
Research Notes
- Ma Yu-long, "Social Movements in Rural China during the Era of Collectivization, and a Review of 'Farewell to the Ideal, The Road Leading to the Collective, and Xigou'" View on the World
- Guo Qian," The Practice of Exhibition in OCAT Shenzhen and Institutional Critique of Art"
Book Reviews
- Zhou Jun, "The Dignity and Introspection of a Historian: A Review on Ishikawa Yoshihiro, 'How the “Red Star” Rose: The Early Images of Mao Zedong'"
- Dong Guo-qiang, Gu Di-fei and Xu Yao, "A Dialogue between Political History and Culture Study: A Review on James Z. Gao, 'The Communist Takeover of Hangzhou: The Transformation of City and Cadre, 1949-1954'"
For more details, please visit the Twenty-First Century Bimonthly website: Click here
Twenty-First Century Bimonthly, Issue 187 (October 2021), Research Centre for Contemporary Chinese Culture

In “The Twenty-First Century Review” three articles, based on the labour process theory, provide in-depth studies on the transformation of labour relations under rapid changes in China.
The Twenty-First Century Review The Transformation of Labour Relations in China
- Zhujiang Hua-feng, "Intermediary Network and Labour Market Control: An Analysis of Flexible Employment in Manufacturing Industry"
- Liang Meng, "Digital Labour Research in China: An Exploration from an Integrative Perspective"
- Zheng Guang-huai and Fan Yi-jie, "From Normation to Normalization: Reconsidering Labour Control in the Era of Surveillance Capitalism"
Research Articles
- Chen De-jun, "The Implementation of the Policy of Grain Tax in Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia Border Region during the Second Sino-Japanese War (Part II)"
- Li Wei-xuan, "The Game of Welfare: The Origins and Consequences of the Implementation of Labour Insurance Regulations in Six Foreign Public Enterprises in Shanghai (1950-1956)"
- Zhang Ning, "Revolution, Work Points, and Re-education: A Case Study of Yunzhuang Village in Jiangxi Province during the 'Down to the Countryside Movement'"
Review Articles
- Lin Xiao-ping, "Between “Northeast” and “Manchuria”: The Writings of Colonial History of Northeast China" View on the World
- Lu Ming-jun, "Revisiting 'Chinese Eastern Railway': The Exile of Identity and the Liberation of Painting"
Scholar’s Reminiscences
- Chen Fong-ching, "On Yu Ying-shih’s 'Two Worlds'"
Book Reviews
- Xing Liang-liang, "Contradictions and Entanglements of Modern Chinese Family Revolution: A Review on Zhao Yanjie, 'The Quest for Family Revolution in Late Qing and Early Republican China, 1895-1923'"
- Xu Yu-ji, "Vernacular Chinese’s Achilles Heel: A Review on Chen Jianhua, 'A Myth of Violet: Zhou Shoujuan and the Literary Culture of Shanghai, 1911-1949'"
For more details, please visit the Twenty-First Century Bimonthly website: Click Here
Current Research in Chinese Linguistics (Volume 100 Number 2), T.T. Ng Chinese Language Research Centre

Current Research in Chinese Linguistics (Volume 100 Number 2) was released. There are six articles in this issue.
- Nguyen Thi Hong Quy, "On the Three Semantic Domains of the Cantonese Sentence-final Particle 'Laa' "
- Yifa Xu, "On the Aspectual and Mood Functions of the Sentence Final Particle [lɔk3] in Guangdong Zhaoqing Yue Dialect"
- Niting Yan and Huayong Lin, "The Function and Evolution of 'Liau' (了) in Minnan Dialect: Take Yongchun Dialect for Example"
- Mushu Zhang, "The Sentence-final Particle Le in Chaoyang (Jinzao) Dialect: From the Perspective of Interchange with 'Qu le'"
- Bing Shen and Huayong Lin, "The Sentence-final Particles [lo33] (嘍) and [lo55] (咯) in Haikou Dialect"
- Shin Kataoka, "The Development of 'The Early Cantonese Bible Database': A Resource for Digital Humanities Research on Early Cantonese "
PDF copies of these articles can be downloaded freely via
Studies in Chinese Linguistics (Volume 42 Number 1), T.T. Ng Chinese Language Research Centre

Studies in Chinese Linguistics (Volume 42 Number 1) has been released. There are three articles in this issue:
- Hang Cheng, "Temporally Underspecified Bare Clauses in Mandarin"
- Aiqing Wang, "The Intervention Effect in Late Archaic Chinese and Modern Mandarin"
- May L-Y Wong, "Conceptual Blending and Slang Expressions in Hong Kong Cantonese"
This is an open-access journal distributed by Sciendo (formerly known as De Gruyter Open). PDF copies of these articles can be downloaded freely via
Renditions No. 95 (Spring 2021), Research Centre for Translation

Renditions no. 95 will be a general issue that begins with a special section on Yu Dafu’s 郁達夫‘Boundless Night’ 茫茫夜, a story fully exhibiting the lyricism and eccentricities in Yu’s writings. This is followed by a collection of Mi Fu’s 米芾 remarks on the art of calligraphy, a selection of verse written by Yuan-dynasty courtesans, and a thrilling ghost-story ‘The Tale of the Peony Lantern’ 牡丹燈記 by Qu You 瞿佑. Other highlights include stories by two Indonesian-born writers, Hei Ying 黑嬰 and Yuan Ni 袁霓, which offer readers a glimpse of Nanyang, and Bei Dao’s 北島 reminiscences of a Japanese friend and their youthful days in Beijing. Finally, this issue concludes with Jiang Fan’s 江帆 ‘An Intertextual Approach to Literary Relations’ 透過翻譯現象深化文學關係研究, an insightful award-winning scholarly essay. For more details: Click Here
Renditions No. 96 (Autumn 2021), Research Centre for Translation

Renditions no. 96 contains a wide variety of stimulating pieces: it begins with a special section on Transregional Singapore Chinese Literature, which consists of short pieces by Singapore writers who have spent considerable time studying in Taiwan. Following is a selection of humorous anecdotes from the sixth century and a collection of poems from various times taking Hangzhou’s West Lake as location and theme. The final three stories are from the modern period, and all revolve around important political issues. For more details: Click Here
Filling the Interregnum: Zhengtong, Jingtai and Tianshun Porcelain of the Ming Dynasty in Hong Kong Collections, Art Museum

This catalogue features 80 items of interregnum porcelain wares, the majority of which were selected from local public and private collections in Hong Kong that were showcased in the 2012 exhibition “Filling the Interregnum: Ming Mid-Fifteenth Century Ceramics from Jingdezhen”. These are supplemented by recent acquisitions of the Art museum, as well as important works at lesser-known overseas collections, offering a good frame of reference. It is our sincere hope that this catalogue will help to generate further interest, as well as more in-depth research and discussions in the field. The publication of this catalogue, together with other special exhibitions in 2021, aptly celebrates the golden anniversary of the Art Museum. For more details: Click Here
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