Sponsored by the GS Charity Foundation, the first four lectures of the “Enchanting Expeditions” Wednesday Lectures Series were held from September to November 2021. The first, third and fourth lectures were delivered in the Activities room, 2/F, East Wing, Art Museum, CUHK, which were also broadcast on Zoom or Voov meeting. The second lecture was broadcast on Voov meeting only, owing to the inclement weather. The first lecture “Introducing Enchanting Expeditions: Chinese Trade Porcelains across the Globe” was presented by Dr. Guanyu Wang (Associate Curator (Antiquities), Art Museum, CUHK) on 29 September 2021. The second lecture on “Chinoiserie and Ming-Qing Trade Porcelains” was given by Ms Huang Jing (Head of Collections Management and Research and Research Fellow, Guangdong Museum) on 13 October 2021 (Wednesday). The third lecture on “International Trade and Trade Porcelains in Ming-Qing China” was delivered by Dr. Li Qingxin (Head of Institute of History and Sun Yat-sen (Guangdong Academy of Social Sciences) and the Director of Guangdong Research Center for Maritime History) on 27 October 2021. The fourth lecture titled “The Beginnings of Dutch Trade in Asia and Shipments of Chinese Porcelain, 1595–c.1622” was delivered by Dr. Christine Ketel (Independent Researcher, Amsterdam) on 10 November 2021. The lecture series has attracted 244 participants and 1,480 online video views so far.