2017 No.4
New Publications
  • Twenty-First Century Bimonthly, Research Centre for Contemporary Chinese Culture
  • A Field in Bloom: Highlights of Chinese Art to Mark the 60th Anniversary of the Department of Fine Arts, CUHK, Art Museum
  • Phoenix Reborn: Chu Jades Excavated from Hubei, Art Museum

Twenty-First Century Bimonthly, Research Centre for Contemporary Chinese Culture

21st Century Bimonthly (Issue 163, October 2017) has been released. The Twenty-First Century Review features the special theme "The 'October Revolution' Centenary". Professor Qin Hui and Professor Cui Zhi-yuan contribute their essays, "The Historical Significance of the Russian Revolution of 1917" and "Contemplating 'Soviet' in the Twentieth Century?—In Commemoration of the 'October Revolution' from the Perspective of Republicanism".

Four research articles are included in this issue:

  1. "The Strategy of Bolshevik and the Fate of China: On the Occasion of the Centenary of the 'October Revolution'" by Yuan Wei-shi
  2. "From Nationalism to One-Party Dictatorship: The Fascination with the Russian Revolution" by Wang Ke
  3. "'Beijing Time': Chinese Communist Orientation of Waiting in Tibet in the 1950s" byLiu Xiao-yuan
  4. "Eileen Chang's Hypercanonical Writing Performance" by Zhang Ying-jin

In 21st Century Bimonthly (Issue 164, December 2017), The Twenty-First Century Review section features the theme "The Five Hundredth Anniversary of the Reformation: The Legacy of Martin Luther". Professor Thomas H. C. Lee contributes the article "Martin Luther and the Modern World".

Five research articles are included in this issue:

  1. "Anti-Rightist Campaign and Chinese Christianity" by Ying Fuk-tsang
  2. "Eliminating Capitalism and Upholding Socialism: The Socialist Education Curriculum in Chinese Universities after the Anti-Rightist Campaign" by Zhu Meng-chang
  3. "Taking the Bait of One's Own Accord: A Study of 'Removing the Rightists' Hats' in Yidu County of Hubei Province (1959–1964)" by Meng Qiang-wei
  4. "Being Chinese in Flux: National Identity and Student Movements in Hong Kong" by Lin Fen and Lin Si-xian
  5. "A Study of the Transformation of Military Images in Modern China" by Wang Hong

As Professor Ma Lin, the second Vice-Chancellor of The Chinese University of Hong Kong, passed away in October 2017, the column "Scholar's Reminiscences" presents "Reminiscences of Ma Lin", by Dr. Chen Fong-ching, in memory of Professor Ma.

A Field in Bloom: Highlights of Chinese Art to Mark the 60th Anniversary of the Department of Fine Arts, CUHK

This bilingual catalogue with full-colour illustrations is published in conjunction with the exhibition "A Field in Bloom: Highlights of Chinese Art to Mark the 60th Anniversary of the Department of Fine Arts, CUHK", which features a selection of 60 paintings and calligraphy works from the collection of the Department of Fine Arts, the Art Museum, and New Asia College. Most of the works have hitherto been unpublished. It also includes essays written by Prof. Mayching Kao, former Professor of Fine Arts, CUHK, Prof. Tong Kam-tang from the Department, and Dr. Phil Chan from the Museum. This catalogue serves to showcase the discerning insights of the teachers at the Department and its commitment and contribution to the blooming field of Chinese art education.

Phoenix Reborn: Chu Jades Excavated from Hubei, Art Museum

This bilingual guidebook showcases jades excavated in Hubei Province from tombs dated from the Zhou Dynasties to mid- and late Warring States. Among them, 17 pieces were unearthed from tombs in Guojiamiao, Shanwan, Wangpo and Zeng, and 32 pieces from Jiuliandun. Taken together, they demonstrate the stylistic features, functionality and development history of jades in Hubei Province in the ancient Kingdom, and display the distinct features of the culture of Chu jades and its interrelationship with the jades of Zeng.


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Interview with Professor Cheng Hwei Shing : My Days with the Institute of Chinese Studies
Event: ICS 50th Anniversary Celebration Activities Highlights
Event: 2017 ICS Luncheon III
Event: 2017 ICS Luncheon IV
Event: 2017 ICS Luncheon V
Event: Public Lecture on "Deliver Us from Evil: The Daoist Quest for Release in Medieval China", organised by CUHK–Chiang Ching-kuo Foundation Asia-Pacific Centre for Chinese Studies, Institute of Chinese Studies, CUHK, Ecole française d'Extrême-Orient Centre, and Center for Studies of Daoist Culture, CUHK
Event: Opening Ceremony of the Exhibition "Treasures from the Art Museum, The Chinese University of Hong Kong: Past, Present and Future"
Event: Autumn Guqin Concert, Art Museum
Event: Opening Ceremonies of the Exhibitions "A Field in Bloom: Highlights of Chinese Art to Mark the 60th Anniversary of the Department of Fine Arts, CUHK" and "Phoenix Reborn: Chu Jades Excavated from Hubei", Art Museum
Event: "Linguistics Seminar" and "CUHK-KU Workshop on Chinese Grammar" organised by T. T. Ng Chinese Language Research Centre
Event: Documentary Film Series co-organised by the Research Centre for Contemporary Chinese Culture and the Universities Service Centre for China Studies
Event: Launch of Professor Alain Roux's Latest Book, co-organised by the Chinese University Press, Research Centre for Contemporary Chinese Culture, and the Universities Service Centre for China Studies
Event: Public Lecture Series by Research Centre for Contemporary Chinese Culture
New Publications
Event: Fourteenth Graduate Seminar on China, Universities Service Centre for China Studies (4–7 January 2018)
Exhibition: "Purity in Zisha: Exhibition on Yixing Zisha Stoneware in the Collection of Art Museum of The Chinese University of Hong Kong"
Editorial Board Committee
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