2021 No.1
Event: Research Programme for Lingnan Culture, Institute of Chinese Studies, CUHK Lingnan Culture International Conference “Redefining Lingnan Culture and the World: Materiality, Mentality and the Structure of Feeling”

Organized by the Research Programme for Lingnan Culture of the Institute of Chinese Studies at The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK), the Lingnan Culture International Conference, “Redefining Lingnan Culture and the World: Materiality, Mentality and the Structure of Feeling”, took place on 5–6 March 2021.
As a prelude to the conference, Professor Lai Chi Tim (Associate Director (Executive) of the Institute of Chinese Studies, CUHK, Director of the Centre for Studies of Daoist Culture) delivered a welcome message, which was followed by seven discussion panels and a roundtable discussion session. 21 scholars from different academic fields around the globe presented their studies on Lingnan culture and took part in the discussion panels to exchange their findings and views on a variety of topics surrounding the following themes: 1. Lingnan literati and their mentality about world cultures: Shifts in knowledge structure; 2. Lingnan styles and the influences from world cultures: Changes in aesthetics landscape; 3. Experience of foreign material culture in Lingnan lifestyle; 4. Emergence of new patterns in Lingnan urban culture; 5. Lingnan in the context of the wider Cantonese regions: Links to Hong Kong, Macau and Nanyang areas; and 6. Paradigms in Lingnan studies: Achievements and limitations.

The conference was ran in a mixed mode, where participants could deliver their presentations in-person at the CUHK Conference Hall or have a live video presentation via Zoom. The live-streaming conference attracted about 300 registrations and over 70 attendees at each panel. The conference aimed to bring together scholars from different academic disciplines around the world to explore, promote and develop issues and research in the field of Lingnan culture. Hopefully, through this conference, a research network in Lingnan culture can be built up to facilitate research exchanges and collaborations in the future.

To view the recordings of the conference, please visit the ICS Facebook:

1 Prof. TANG Chon Chit University of Macau The Literary Society Xueshe and Modern Literature in Macao Click Here
2 Prof. SIU Chun Ho The Chinese University of Hong Kong “How does it compare to Jiang Kui?”: Revisiting Chen Li's Contributions to Chinese Lyrics and Musicology Click Here
3 Prof. YIP Cheuk Wai The Education University of Hong Kong The Human Geography of Guangxiao Temple in Guangzhou: Ruins and the Ming Loyalists Click Here
4 Prof. PUK Wing Kin The Chinese University of Hong Kong Zou Boqi: His Life and Works Click Here
5 Prof. KO Chia Cian National Taiwan University The Reform Era and Cantonese Writings: The Form of Cantonese Folk Songs in Kaizhi Lu and the Intellectual Experience Click Here
6 Prof. DUNG Chau Hung Chu Hai College of Higher Education The Qing-Dynasty Development of the “Distinct Style of Lingnan Poetry”: From the Three Poets of Lingnan and Song Xiang to Huang Zunxian Click Here
7 Dr. LIANG Jiyong Sun Yat-sen University Zuo Pei's Diary and Life in Guangdong in the Late Qing and Republican Period Click Here
8 Dr. CHING Chung Shan The Chinese University of Hong Kong A Study of the Zhengsheng Poetry Society in Hong Kong in the 1930s Click Here
9 Prof. ZHAO Xifang Chinese Academy of Social Sciences The Novel Weekly (1924-1925): The Old and New Hong Kong Culture Click Here
10 Prof. YE Jia The Chinese University of Hong Kong From Translation to Skepticism: Paths of Knowledge in Current Affairs in the Cantonese Daily Shubao (1884-1885) Click Here
11 Prof. XU Xiaodong The Chinese University of Hong Kong As Both Trader and Literati: Pan Zhengwei Before and After the Opium War Click Here
12 Prof. ZHANG Xiaohui Jinan University A Fusion of East and West and the Founding of Lingnan Domestic Brands Click Here
13 Prof. LAM Lap National University of Singapore Transcending Regional Boundaries: Poetic Connection between Nanyang and Lingnan Click Here
14 Prof. LAI Chi Tim The Chinese University of Hong Kong A Confluence of Chinese and Western Health Thoughts in Zheng Guanying's Key Ideas in Chinese and Western Health Click Here
15 Prof. WU Qing Jinan University Guangzhou in the European Writings of the 16th-18th Centuries Click Here
16 Prof. LIU Zhenggang Jinan University The Worldview of the Guangzhou Literatus Liang Songnian during the Xianfeng reign (1850-1861) Click Here
17 Prof. LI Ruoqing Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts Travelling North for Imperial Examination and the Composition of Poetry and Painting: A Study of Huang Peifang's Diary of the North-Bound Journey Click Here
18 Dr. Chen Wenyan The Chinese University of Hong Kong The Modernization Advocated by Li Zhaotang and His Son, Guolian, in Shunde in the Context of Late Qing Reforms Click Here
19 Prof. YIM Chi Hung The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Opium, Foreign Devil Soldiers, and the Old Fisherman on the Pearl River: A Study of Zhang Weiping’s Poems Revolving around the Two Opium Wars

Click Here
20 Prof. LIU Yong Sun Yat-sen University The Newly Discovered "Theory of Intellectual Investigation" by the Ming Confucian Scholar Zhan Ruoshui: Its Philological Significance and Impact on the History of Thoughts Click Here
21 Prof. YANG Quan Sun Yat-sen University The Adherents of Ming Dynasty Abandoned the Mountain and Established Biechuan Temple  Click Here
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