2019 Nov | Volume 180

Bulk Email Service Policy

Bulk email service* provides an easy and direct way to disseminate information to the University members. However, University members might receive spams or unwanted emails if the service is being misused, abused or under phishing attack.

A University-wide policy is therefore drafted to keep a balance between facilitating University communication through bulk email service and minimizing the impact due to a misuse.

In summary,

  • For an email sending to more than 30 recipients, it must not display the list of recipients in the email. It needs to be dispatched through
    •  Mailing list
    •  Blind Carbon Copy (Bcc)
    •  Mail Merge
  •  For ITSC or Departmental Mailing List Service,
    •  Mailing List of over 50 members can only be created for announcement purpose. Besides, only a designated person(s) can post to the list.
    •  All emails sending to a mailing list over 500 members must be moderated. That is, messages will first be sent to moderator(s) for approval before distributing to all members of the list.
    •  ITSC or Departments would close any unattended mailing list(s) with no activities detected for over 2 years though renewed.

This policy proposal has been consulted through different user groups including

  1.  IT Coordinator Group
  2.  Departmental LAN Administrator Support
  3.  ITSC Student User Consultation Committee

Please visit https://www.itsc.cuhk.edu.hk/it-policies/bulk-email-policy for the proposal details and send your views to ITSC by end 2019. If no major comment is received, the proposal will be submitted to IT Governance Committee for endorsement.

* Bulk email service includes (1) Mailing List Service (2) Office 365 Mail Group (3) Mass Mail Service

Comments / Enquiry: ITSC Service Desk (https://servicedesk.itsc.cuhk.edu.hk) > Get Help > Account, Email & Access > General Enquiry

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