Guard Your Data Privacy: Get An Appropriate Tool in Data Collection
When collecting data for a survey or research purpose, it is important to follow these guidelines to ensure the protection of data privacy.
- Avoid collecting any personal or sensitive data if they are not required.
- If deemed necessary,
- Collect only the minimal amount of data required.
- Avoid using personal devices to collect personal data.
- Avoid using social media channels/platforms, such as WhatsApp, WeChat, or Facebook, to collect personal data.
- Avoid using public cloud online forms, such as Google Form, to collect personal data.
- Use a secure platform, such as ITSC CU Web Form, to collect personal data.
- Include PPS and PIC statement and Follow the University’s Guidelines in Protection of Personal Data (Privacy) when collecting and handling personal data.
- Make sure the data collected are protected, e.g. by encryption, and not accessible by unauthorized parties.
More information can be found in the Guidelines of Creating An Online Form.
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