02 JAN 2024 ISSUE 18
MSc in Advanced Studies in Statistics and Data Science

MSc in Advanced Studies in Statistics and Data Science will be offered by the Department of Statistics in academic year 2024-25. The programme is tailored for students with strong statistics and data science background and interest in further explorations of the subjects. We provide advanced training theoretically and practically and equip the graduates with skills necessary for knowledge discovery and decision making.

Further details:


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Table of Contents
1. Message from the Chair
2. Staff Movement
3. Prizes and Awards

Staff Awards
Alumni Awards
Student Awards
Recipients of Department of Statistics Scholarships and Sponsorship
4. Departmental Activities

Dual Degree Programme and Collaboration with The University of Edinburgh (UoE)
MSc Annual Dinner
Symposium on Statistics and Risk Management 2022
The 12th ICSA International Conference
Science Faculty 60th Anniversary Distinguished Science Lecture - Prof. Fan Jianqing
Distinguished Lectures and Seminars in 2022-23
MSc in Advanced Studies in Statistics and Data Science
5. Sharing from Awardees of Overseas Research Award for PhD Students
6. Global Young Scientists Summit 2023
7. Exchange Sharing
8. Department Summer Internship Programme
9. Internship Sharing

Past Issue