To accompany the exhibition, "Phoenix Reborn: Chu Jades Excavated from Hubei", the Art Museum organised a public lecture series to share with the public the complex and brilliant jade culture of China. Two lectures were held on 8 December, 2017 at LT9, Yasumoto International Academic Park. The first was "Rites and Adornment: Dragon Pendant and the Use of Jade in the Eastern Zhou Period" delivered by Dr. Eileen Lam (Assistant Professor, Department of Cultural and Creative Arts, The Education University of Hong Kong) and the second was "Appreciation of Chu Jade Dragon and Phoenix—from tombs of Marquis Yi of Zeng and Jiuliandun" given by Mr. Lam Kai Loi (Lecturer, Jade course jointly organised by The Hong Kong Institute for Promotion of Chinese Culture & Jao Tsung-I Academy). Both talks attracted over 90 attendants who made a full house at the lecture theatre! Another two lectures were held on 8 February 2018 at Tsimshatsui Book Centre, Commercial Press. The first was "Dragon and Other Animals in the Art of Ancient China" presented by Dr. Libby Chan (Assistant Director (Curatorial and Collections), Hong Kong Maritime Museum), which was attended by 71 participants. The second was "Hong Kong Jade Craftsmanship (1949–1990)" by Prof. Celine Lai (Assistant Professor, Department of Cultural Management, CUHK), with an audience of 52 people. The speakers and attendants an enlightening afternoon together with two exceptionally lively question-and-answer sessions. 
