The Chinese University of Hong Kong
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Aug 01, 2012 Volume 72
Office of Academic Links(China)
Workshop on Chinese as an International Academic Language in Humanities and Social Sciences

On 12 July 2012, a joint Workshop on Chinese as an International Academic Language in Humanities and Social Sciences among the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK), Taiwan University (NTU) and Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU) was held on University campus.

Participants of the Workshop included Prof. Jack Cheng, Pro-Vice-Chancellor of CUHK; Prof. Bau Tzong-Ho, Vice-President of NTU; Prof. Zheng Chengliang, Vice-President of SJTU; Deans of Arts and Social Sciences, as well as representatives in the field of humanities and social sciences from the three universities. Discussions were held on topics in relation to the academic assessment of Chinese publications, the recognition of Chinese as an international academic language and the importance of humanities and social sciences in the world university ranking.


The workshop served as a platform for cross-strait higher education leaders to share their views on the recognition of Chinese publications and to address the issues in academic assessment systems. It also nurtured links among CUHK, NTU and SJTU to consolidate efforts on promoting Chinese culture, including the use of Chinese in teaching and academic publication.

Representatives from CUHK, NTU and SJTU attends the Workshop

One-day workshop on Chinese as an International Academic Language in Humanities and Social Sciences between CUHK, NTU and SJTU

:: Back to This Issue
:: Government Officials of Yunnan Province Visit CUHK
:: Workshop on Chinese as an International Academic Language in Humanities and Social Sciences
:: President of Ningbo University delivers a lecture at CUHK
:: 2nd Green Summer Camp under Cross-Strait Green University Consortium
:: CUHK Summer Cultural Interflow Programme for Mainland Students in Hong Kong and Macau
:: Future Science Park – Dandelion Cross-Strait Business Plan Contest
:: University Academic Exchange Fund (China)
:: Forthcoming Activities
:: The Latest Academic Exchange Agreements

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