The Chinese University of Hong Kong
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Jun 01, 2014 Volume 96
Office of Academic Links(China)
Student Interflow Programme

The 2nd Green Competition under the Cross-Strait Green University Consortium

The 2nd Green Competition was held in Nanjing University (NJU) from 17 to 23 May 2014, co-organized by the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK), Taiwan Central University (NCU) and NJU. Each university sent 3 to 4 teams to take part in the competition. The 3 CUHK teams comprised undergraduates from the Global Business Studies Programme, the International Business and Chinese Enterprise Programme, and from the Departments of Information Engineering, Economics, and Geography and Resource Management.

Students showed their innovative ideas and enthusiasm for protecting our living planet in their projects, with topics ranging from in-depth studies on current environmental issues, to innovation and enhancement of green products. The First Prize this year went to a team of students from NCU with their winning project entitled "Green Easy Chopsticks", which aims to improve the current reusable chopsticks by storing detergents. Two teams from CUHK, one working on recycling of waste hair into organic farming and the other on a mobile app encouraging students and staff to walk more on campus, won the Second Prize and the Third Prize respectively. Associate Vice-President of CUHK, Professor Poon Wai-yin Isabella, joined the closing ceremony of the competition in support of our students and helped present the prizes. A list of awarded projects is set out below.

First Prize

-        Green "Easy" Chopsticks by NCU

Second Prize

-        Hairy Tale: recycling of waste hair into organic farming by CUHK

-        In Search of Delicacies by Bike: mobile app design by NCU

Third Prize

-        Walking For Health on Campus: mobile app design  by CUHK

-        Research on Fluoride-Containing Waste Water: its environmental effects and treatment by NJU

-        Research on Green Infrastructure Projects by NJU

During the trip, the participating students also had the chance to visit green enterprises, as well as cultural and historical spots in Nanjing and in Jiangsu Province. Such activities enhanced the students' awareness of environmental protection and encouraged them to apply green concepts more into their daily lives.

The Green Competition was one of the student Programmes developed under Cross-Strait Green University Consortium among CUHK, NJU and NCU in 2011. The 3 universities take turns to co-organize the competition. The 1st Green Competition, with the theme of Environmental Protection, Sustainable Development and Green Culture was held in CUHK in 2013.

Group photo for the participants

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