The one-week camp comprised of seminars, talks, field trips and visits for the students to obtain knowledge on green concepts and extend their experience to the community. Lectures and talks covered a wide variety of topics including green campus, global climate change, environment policy and green architecture. Discussions were held and specific green projects were conducted among the students from different cultures and backgrounds to exchange views and inspire ideas from the three regions.
The activities not only fostered relationship among the students from the three universities and enhanced their awareness of environmental protection, but also advocated the message to apply green initiatives into daily lives.
The Cross-Strait Green University Consortium was established in May 2011 with the aim to consolidate resources from CUHK, NJU and NCU, and to serve as a platform for driving initiatives that incorporate green concepts into research and education. The Green Summer Camp is a project of student exchange under the Consortium. CUHK will host the activity in 2013.