Significant Special Collections Acquisition
Cornelius GURLITT. Die Baukunst Konstantinopels. 3 vols. (Ernst Wasmuth), 1907-1912. 112pp., 205 plates (partly double-page, 1 double-page color). 224 illus. (partly in colour). Very rare. It is an important survey of the architecture of Constantinople, concentrating mainly on religious buildings. The extensive scope covers the major mosques of the Ottomans, as well as Topkapi Palace, the Hagia Sophia, Hagios Theodoros and the Byzantine land walls. The plates depict interior and exterior views, architectural details, street scenes, plans, and elevations. A panoramic and comprehensive overview of many centuries of architectural evolution in Istanbul.
Location: ARL Closed Stack Oversize
Call Number: NA1370 .G8 1912

Major Resources since April 2020
Coverage: 1963-1980
This collection is published in two parts: Cold War in the Pacific, Trade Relations and the Post-Independence Period, 1963-1966 and Foundations of Economic Growth and Industrialisation, 1967-1980. It documented the socio-political situation and economic development of Southeast Asia from 1963 to 1980, particularly the conflict between Malaysia and Indonesia in this period.
Incision is an online learning platform for various surgical skills. There are more than 370 surgical procedures, filmed in 3D format and from a surgeon's point of view. There are also step-by-step guides for each surgery.
Medicom Conference Reports include independent peer-reviewed highlights from the major international conferences. Reports include key findings, updated guidelines, state-of-the-art reviews, clinical updates, and late-breaking trial results.
Coverage: 19th-20th century
Provides missionary collections of 19th and 20th centuries which are global in scope, covering different churches and denominations in Africa, East and South Asia, Australasia and the Pacific, and the Americas. Primary sources, including organisational records, personal papers, correspondence, journals, travel writing and diaries, photographs, ephemera, artefacts, periodicals, and pamphlets, can be accessed via this platform.
Coverage: 1850-1947
Messenger 1850-1947 (使信月刊) documented the foreign missions of the Presbyterian Church in South China, Taiwan and Chinese communities in Singapore and Malaysia. It has changed title several times, i.e. The English Presbyterian Church (1845-1867), Messenger and Missionary Record of the Presbyterian Church in England (1868-1878), Outlook (1881-1884), Presbyterian (1884-1885), Presbyterian Messenger (1885-1891), Presbyterian (1891-1906), Monthly Messenger of the Presbyterian Church in England (1906-1907), and Presbyter Messenger (1908-1947).
Coverage: 1876-1878
The Shanghai Courier & China Gazette was digitised by Shanghai Library. The Shanghai Courier was founded in Shanghai in 1868. It was later renamed as The Shanghai Evening Courier; merged with The Evening Gazette in 1875 to publish with the title The Shanghai Courier & China Gazette; and again in 1878 The Shanghai Courier until 1889 when it merged with The Shanghai Mercury.

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