30 NOV 2020 ISSUE 8
1. From the University Librarian

After a summer of continued disruption from COVID-19 and at the start of an academic year unlike any we have known, I was delighted to once again welcome new students and old friends to CUHK Library. In response to the pandemic the Library’s orientation and workshops are fully online this year, and digital first has become our motto. Our expansive digital collections have been well used with usage increasing. We buy digital material whenever we can, but we know not everything is digital and many of you still require access to our print collections. A book retrieval service centralised at the University Library at the height of the pandemic, followed by the same service in each library, is now part of our pandemic toolbox.

We also know our students need study space, and making some limited library space available through the pandemic has been challenging but important. We are now thankfully open again, however the libraries have changed a little as we have been working hard to make minimise the risk from COVID-19. Social distancing, fewer seats and public PCs spaced out, hand sanitisers, temperature checks, book sanitisers behind the scenes, enhanced cleaning… and these all make a difference. Identified ‘zoom zones’ in each library are places where students can happily take part in online learning without disturbing other users. Opening group study rooms and 24/7 hours is still dependent on public health considerations. In the coming months please help us keep the libraries COVID secure, co-operating with us by wearing masks, practicing social distancing, using hand sanitisers and bring your own computing device where possible. We now have a model which allows us to swiftly escalate or de-escalate our response to the pandemic.

I ended my column in the April newsletter with the sentence ‘Whatever 2020 brings I know we will do our best for CUHK and the Library.’ While I am optimistic about the future of the Library, witness the new developments written about in this newsletter, this term may be testing for us all, but I am confident that my April words still ring true.

Louise Jones
University Librarian

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Table of Contents
1. From the University Librarian
2. A Fully Refreshed Hong Kong Literature Database
3. Collection Spotlight
4. New Acquisitions
5. What's New & Upcoming?
6. Meet Our Library Staff
7. Do You Know
8. Contact Us

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