2018 年 2 月 24 日    第 6期

序 言

(English version only)

Dear students,

The arrival of Lunar New Year is somewhat synonymous with red packets - a sign of prosperity and bliss.  Despite our fondness for receiving red packets, there is a question constantly in the minds of us: "what is sheer bliss?"

I like driving because it offers me a chance of relaxation.  I pass Tai Po Road with my car almost every day for work, but not to chauffeur my family members, cruise around with friends or attend leisure activities.  Tai Po Road is the most convenient route for me to reach my workplace, and the bus stop near Tsung Tsai Yuen where the deadly crash of 10 February 2018 took place is just a few miles from CUHK.  19 passengers died and 66 others were injured in this incident which resulted in about 200 people's loss of their family members, as well as cancellation of the city fireworks scheduled for the 2nd day of Lunar New Year.  As our University neighbors on the accident spot, it is no wonder we were particularly saddened by this tragedy.  You may have come up with the question "what is sheer bliss" immediately.  Or you only wanted to heave a sigh to allege "destiny is invincible!"

Notwithstanding the above, we are allowed to look on the bright side.  Only a half day after the fatal wreckage, blood donors flooded a dozen Red Cross centres in effort to help the injured victims who were supposed in need of blood transfusion.  They had waited hours outside the blood collection facilities without causing chaos.  This scene proved to be a valuable showcase for Hongkongers' generosity and public spirit.  I am really proud of the excellent civic qualities of the people of our hometown!

With CUHK's great emphasis on humanitarianism and deep roots in volunteering, I hope we could keep committed to developing a caring community for all its members.  At the same time, the nearby bus disaster has reminded us to pay heed to our temperament.  We ought to clarify values and build characters before taking every action.  From this point on, the I·CARE Centre for Whole-person Development has a few ideas up our sleeves.  We are going to highlight them in the months ahead.  Stay tuned!

Sincerely yours,

Irene Ng
I·CARE Centre for Whole-person Development



序 言


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