2017 No.3
New publications
  • Journal of Chinese Studies (Special Issue), Institute of Chinese Studies
  • Twenty-First Century Bimonthly (Special Issue), Research Centre for Contemporary Chinese Culture
  • Ancient Chinese Gold Techniques (not for sale), Art Museum
  • A Legacy of Elegance: Oracle Bones Collection from The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Art Museum

Journal of Chinese Studies (Special Issue), Institute of Chinese Studies

Journal of Chinese Studies (Number 65, July 2017) has now been published. This issue commemorates the 50th anniversary of the Institute of Chinese Studies. It contains 11 articles as well as 11 book reviews.


  1. Ho Che Wah: "A Comparative Study of Theories of Argument Put Forward by Zhuangzi and Xunzi"
  2. Hsing I-tien: "The Sociological and Intellectual Historical Meaning of the Han Dynasty Graphic Arts Theme of Confucius Meeting Laozi"
  3. Zhang Jian: "On Poetic Rhyme Books"
  4. Shih Shou-chien: "The Court Art of Tugh Temür and the Regeneration of Northern Song Paradigms"
  5. Lai Chi Tim: "A Study of the Development of Lüzu's Spirit-Writing Cult and the Related Literati Spirit-Writing Altars in the Ming and Qing Dynasties"
  6. Cheng Chung-yi: "On Monistic Thought in Confucianism during the Ming-Qing Transitional Period"
  7. Ng Wai-ming: "The Making of the Shennong Belief in Tokugawa Japan"
  8. Harold Mok: "Large Characters, Couplet Assemblages, and Courtesy Gestures: A Discussion of a Selection from the Lechangzai Xuan Collection"
  9. Feng-Chuan Pan and Jiang Ryh-shin: "The Early Jesuits and the Translation of Daodejing: The Trigrammaton Yi-Hi-Wei and the Trinity in Prémare, Noëlas, and Cibot"
  10. David Der-Wei Wang: "A Preliminary Proposal Concerning Modern Chinese Literary Thought: Shi, Xing, Shish'"
  11. Fan Sin Piu: "Who Is Behind the Scene: A Re-exploration of the Hong Kong Lih Pao"

Book Reviews

  1. Jane Duckett: "Radical Inequalities: China's Revolutionary Welfare State in Comparative Perspective by Nara Dillon"
  2. T. H. Barrett: "Celestial Masters: History and Ritual in Early Daoist Communities by Terry F. Kleeman"
  3. Ho Hon Wai: "Unruly People: Crime, Community, and State in Late Imperial South China by Robert J. Antony"
  4. Evelyn S. Rawski: "The Qing Dynasty and Traditional Chinese Culture by Richard J. Smith"
  5. Gina L. Barnes: "The Ancient State of Puyǒ in Northeast Asia: Archaeology and Historical Memory by Mark E. Byington"
  6. Mareile Flitsch: "Picturing Technology in China: From Earliest Times to the Nineteenth Century by Peter J. Golas"
  7. Paul R. Goldin: "Self-Realization through Confucian Learning: A Contemporary Reconstruction of Xunzi's Ethics by Siufu Tang"
  8. John W. Dardess: "Li Mengyang, the North-South Divide, and Literati Learning in Ming China by Chang Woei Ong"
  9. Tan Mei Ah: "One Who Knows Me: Friendship and Literary Culture in Mid-Tang China by Anna M. Shields"
  10. Madeline Y. Hsu: "Elusive Refuge: Chinese Migrants in the Cold War by Laura Madokoro"
  11. Peter Lorge: "Fire and Ice: Li Cunxu and the Founding of the Later Tang by Richard L. Davis"

Please visit http://www.cuhk.edu.hk/ics/journal/eng/journal.html.


Twenty-First Century Bimonthly (Special Issue), Research Centre for Contemporary Chinese Culture

21st Century Bimonthly (Issue 162, August 2017) is a special issue to celebrate the 50th Anniversary of ICS. ICS director Professor Leung Yuen Sang contributes the article "Reflections on a Half Century of 'Chinese Studies'" and former director Dr. Chen Fong Ching contributes "All That Water under the Bridge".

Five research articles are included in this issue:

  1. "Self-Portrait of Figures in Republican China: A Study of Diaries, Autobiographies, Memoirs and Oral Histories" by Chang Yu-fa
  2. "Chiang Kai-shek's Ideological Change and Innovation Programmes in the Taiwan Period" by Yang Tian-shi
  3. "Gu Mengyu and the Rise and Decline of the Third Force Movement in Hong Kong, 1949–1953" by Huang Ko-wu
  4. "Cold War Films and the 'Campaign of Truth': A Case Study in Singapore and Malaya" by Hee Wai-siam
  5. "Critique of Edward P. Thompson's Theory on the Formation of Working Class: A Study from the Perspective of Historical Materialism" by Li Jin-feng

In the column "Scholar's Reminiscences", Professor Yu Ying-shih completes his memoirs with the last entry, "Chung Cheng University and Yenching University". 


Ancient Chinese Gold Techniques (not for sale), Art Museum

The book presents the achievements of the research project "Ancient Chinese Gold Techniques" launched in 2014. It is a collaborative effort of the Art Museum of the Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shaanxi Provincial Institute of Cultural Relics Protection, the Master Studio of Chow Tai Fook, and the Conservation Office of the Leisure and Cultural Services Department of Hong Kong, which uses interdisciplinary research methods, combining technology, archaeology, art history, and reconstruction experiments, to examine and reconstruct for the first time several major ancient goldsmithing techniques, as well as the history of their development. The book, as well as the research, has great significance in the preservation and propagation of the traditional techniques. 

Professor Xu Xiaodong is currently Associate Director of the Art Museum, The Chinese University of Hong Kong. Professor Yang Junchang is the Chief Scientist and Associate Director of the Centre for Materials and Conservation Research in Archaeology, Northwestern Polytechnical University.


A Legacy of Elegance: Oracle Bones Collection from The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Art Museum

This bilingual catalogue with full-colour illustrations is jointly published by United College, the University Library and the Art Museum, The Chinese University of Hong Kong. It provides a comprehensive overview of 71 oracle bones collected by the University. The catalogue is divided into two parts, which includes the highly informative introduction to the subject by Dr. Li Zong-kun, and also two essays by Dr. Ho Pik Ki, Peggy, revealing close relationship between and achievements of the oracle-bones studies by Guangdong and Hong Kong scholars in the twentieth century, as well as the art of oracle-bone calligraphy from the Art Museum collection.

The editor, Dr. Li Zong-kun, is Research Fellow of Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica in Taipei. The contributor, Dr. Ho Pik Ki, Peggy, is Research Associate of the Art Museum at The Chinese University of Hong Kong.

Back to Issue
Interview with Professor Yip Hon Ming: A Retrospective of My Journey of Historical Inquiry Crossing Academic Boundaries
Event: ICS 50th Anniversary Celebration Activities Highlights
Event: Opening Ceremony, Public Lecture Series and Special Programmes of ''History of Gold: Masterpieces from Shaanxi" Exhibition, Art Museum
Event: Opening Ceremonies of the Exhibitions "Golden Techniques: Art of the Chinese Goldsmiths", "Universe within Inches: Bronze Mirrors Donated by Prof. Mark Kai-keung" and "A Legacy of Elegance: Oracle Bones Collection from The Chinese University of Hong Kong", Art Museum
Event: The Fifth Summer School on Chinese Translation History, Research Centre for Translation
Event: Launch of Shen Zhihua's Latest Book, co-organised by the Chinese University Press, Research Centre for Contemporary Chinese Culture and the Universities Service Centre for China Studies
New publications
Event Highlight
Exhibition: "A Field in Bloom: Highlights of Chinese Art to Mark the 60th Anniversary of the Department of Fine Arts", Art Museum
Exhibition: "Phoenix Reborn: Chu Jades Excavated from Hubei", Art Museum
Editorial Board Committee
Past Issues
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