
Term 1, 2021–22

College Sports Teams

The following College sports teams were formed for the Intercollegiate Competitions and CUHK Athletic Meets in October 2021:

  1. Men's and Women's Table Tennis Teams
  2. Men's Tennis Teams
  3. Athletic Team
The Men's Tennis Team won the bronze medal in the Intercollegiate Tennis Competition. It was the first time the team won a medal in an intercollegiate racket game competition.
The members of the Tennis Team are:
  1. KWOK Kong Yee (Year 1, Science)
  2. LAM Chun Kit (Year 2, Medicine)
  3. LEUNG Kwan Kit (Year 2, Psychology)
  4. MA Hei Jun Lance (Year 1, Chinese Medicine)
  5. MAO Yanqi (Year 5, Risk Management Science)
  6. ZHEN Enoch (Year 1, Science)
The College Men's and Women's Rowing Teams had planned to join the CUHK Rowing Championships 2021–22 scheduled for 9 January 2022. Unfortunately, the event was cancelled due to the fifth wave of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Term 2, 2021–22

College Sports Teams

The tryouts for the following College sports teams scheduled for January 2021 and the Inter-Collegiate Tournaments were cancelled due to the pandemic:

  1. Men's and Women's Basketball Teams
  2. Men's and Women's Volleyball Teams
  3. Men's Soccer Team

Wing Chun Class for Beginners

The College has been offering Wing Chun Classes for both local and non-local students over the years. Four sessions were held in November 2021 to teach basic Wing Chun concepts and skills for 25 CWC students.

Indoor Rowing Fun Day

The College has set up Fitness Room 2 equipped with indoor rowing machines. To introduce and promote indoor rowing, Indoor Rowing Fun activities were held on 28 November 2021 and 20 CWC residents participated and learnt the rules and skills of using the rowing machines.

Joint College Sports Activities (Term 1, 2021–22)

Two sports activities were co-organized with Morningside College and S.H. Ho College.

Thai Boxing Class

Four sessions were held in October and November. Twelve CWC students joined the class. It aimed to raise the physical and mental qualities of the participants.

Tchoukball Fun Days

Two sessions were held on 29 October and 5 November. Twenty one CWC students participated and experienced tchoukball in teams.
The Men's Tennis Team, their coach Mr CHAN (first from left) and College PE teacher Dr NG (first from right).
The Men's Tennis Team, their coach Mr CHAN (first from left) and College PE teacher Dr NG (first from right).
Wing Chun requires quick arm movements and strong legs to defeat opponents.
Wing Chun requires quick arm movements and strong legs to defeat opponents.
The College Rowing Team members also took part in the Indoor Rowing Fun Day to guide new learners and improve their skills.
The College Rowing Team members also took part in the Indoor Rowing Fun Day to guide new learners and improve their skills.
Thai boxing is a kind of martial art that requires the movement of the entire body.
Thai boxing is a kind of martial art that requires the movement of the entire body.
Tchoukball is an indoor team sport for people of all shapes, sizes, and genders.
Tchoukball is an indoor team sport for people of all shapes, sizes, and genders.

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From the Editor
Donation (1 July 2021–28 February 2022)
Personalia (1 July 2021–28 February 2022)
The 90th Congregation (Conferment of Bachelor's Degrees) of The Chinese University of Hong Kong cum Graduation Ceremony of CW Chu College 2020–21
Representatives of Graduating Class of 2022
Honour Code Pledging Ceremony
Night Talks
College Orientation (Term 1, 2021–22)
Incoming Exchange Students (2021–22)
College Service Team
Student Sharing on Service Experience
Student Union
Residents' Association
Alumni Greetings
Peer Mentoring Program 2021
College Activities
‘Making the Festive Season Happier Series’
Culture and Language Enhancement (Term 1, 2021–22)
Outreach Activities
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