Refurbishment of Hong Kong Literature at the University Library
The renovation of the first floor of the University Library for the Hong Kong Literature Collection was completed in April 2022. The newly renovated area serves as a hub, providing more space to showcase literary works of contemporary authors as well as exhibits covering the history and development of Hong Kong literature.

The Hong Kong Literature Collection was established in 2002 with a generous donation by Prof. Lo Wai Luen(小思). Since then the Collection has grown and expanded in depth and spectrum. It has become a significant collection at CUHK and in Hong Kong, providing valuable primary materials to the academic community and supporting research on Hong Kong literature, culture, society, and politics. Over the years, Prof. Lo has continued to donate unique items to enrich the collection, while some renowned authors also donated their works or manuscripts to the CUHK Library. As the collection gains reputation and trust, it attracts many local and overseas scholars. At present, our manuscript collection includes those from Liu Yichang(劉以鬯), Xi Xi(西西), Ye Ling Feng(葉靈鳳), Lu Lun(侶倫), Yu Kwang Chung(余光中), Dai Tien(戴天), amongst others.
Hong Kong Literature:
Launch of CUHK Research Data Repository
The CUHK Research Data Repository (“the Repository”) was soft-launched in October 2021. It serves as the institutional research data repository for The Chinese University of Hong Kong. The Repository uses the open-sourced software Dataverse, under the TRUST data repository principle: Transparency, Responsibility, User Focus, Sustainability, and Technology. The Repository aims to facilitate CUHK researchers to curate their research data, fulfill the data-sharing requirements of publishers and funders, and allow worldwide researchers to discover the research data outputs of CUHK.
The Repository consists of folders organized by faculty, schools/departments, and research institutes hierarchically. Sub-folders for researchers or research groups can be created under the respective parent folders. Data published in the Repository can be searched by search engines. CUHK researchers can now deposit their research data outputs through the support of the Research Data Team by filling out the request form. With the full launch expected by summer 2022, researchers will be able to manage their own data in the Repository with their CUHK OnePass accounts.
Other features of the Repository include generating private URLs for unpublished datasets for the manuscripts’ peer review process, setting up guestbooks for data, and linking data to the folders of co-authors. More details of the Repository and its updates are available on the Library webpage. Enquiries on the Repository or data deposit can be sent to