2014 No.1
New Publications
  • Journal of Chinese Studies, No. 58
  • Renditions No. 80 (Autumn 2013), Research Centre for Translation
  • Studies in Translation History, Research Centre for Translation
  • Newsletter of Chinese Language (Volume 93 No. 1), T.T. Ng Chinese Language Research Centre
  • Newsletter of Chinese Language (Volume 93 No. 1) released in January 2014. The issue includes four articles:
  • A Glossary of the Lüshi Chunqiu, A Glossary of the Han Feizi, D.C. Lau Research Centre for Chinese Ancient Text
  • Citations of the Shiji Found in the Leishu Compiled in the Tang and Song Dynasties

Journal of Chinese Studies, No. 58

Eleven articles, one review article, and ten book reviews were published in the Journal of Chinese Studies No. 58, appearing in January 2014. The Journal, published twice a year by the Institute, is distributed by the Chinese University Press. To place order, please click here.





Renditions No. 80 (Autumn 2013), Research Centre for Translation

This issue again compiles writings in various genres and from different periods of Chinese history. We are both delighted and honoured to begin it with the late Professor D. C. Lau's translation of the 'Advanced School of Learning' (Daxue), that foundational Confucian text offering sage advice on self-cultivation, which was a moral guide in China for many hundreds of years. Other highlights are a Song dynasty tale of elopement and the resulting court case, and seventeenth century critic Jin Shengtan's insightful commentary on the Shuihu zhuan. Also included are 'The History of Humanity', an important 1907 essay by Lu Xun, a thought-provoking exploration on the differences between Chinese literature and civilization and the Western institutions by the controversial writer and critic Hu Lancheng, followed by ten contemporary poems by Chien Chengchen, and a short story from 1930s Shanghai by the 'new sensationalist' Mu Shiying.

For details, please visit Research Centre for Translation.

Studies in Translation History, Research Centre for Translation

Studies in Translation History (Fanyishi yanjiu) (2013), a journal of the Research Centre for Translation, the Chinese University of Hong Kong, published and distributed by Fudan University Press, is now available for order. It is a collection of 11 articles priced at HK$60, inclusive of local postage. For overseas orders, it is US$8 (inclusive of surface postage), plus US$4 for international air freight.

For details, please contact Research Centre for Translation.



Newsletter of Chinese Language (Volume 93 No. 1), T.T. Ng Chinese Language Research Centre

Newsletter of Chinese Language (Volume 93 No. 1) released in January 2014. The issue includes four articles:

1. Kwan-Hin Cheung: The Splendour of Jyutping Resources on the Web
2. Shin Kataoka: Finding Order in Disorder: An Investigation into the Hong Kong Government Cantonese Romanization
3. Siu-Pong Cheng: The Government Romanization of Cantonese in Hong Kong and Macao
4. Che-Ying Kwan: The Enigma of the Chinese Language Teaching ( Non-Chinese Speaking Students) in Hong Kong

PDF copies of these articles can be downloaded for free via http://www.cuhk.edu.hk/ics/clrc/.

A Glossary of the Lüshi Chunqiu, A Glossary of the Han Feizi, D.C. Lau Research Centre for Chinese Ancient Text

The thirtieth and thirty-first titles of The CHANT Series, A Glossary of the Lüshi Chunqiu and A Glossary of the Han Feizi, were published by the Chinese University Press in December 2013 and January 2014, respectively. The two books made use of the CHANT database and a newly designed computer program to select words from all extant texts, building up specific glossaries for the Lüshi chunqiu and the Han Feizi. The vocabulary first found in the Lüshi chunqiu and the Han Feizi are listed and compiled here for the first time. The books can also provide empirical data regarding the development of the pre-Han and Han lexicons, and broaden the current field of study. To place order, please click here.

Citations of the Shiji Found in the Leishu Compiled in the Tang and Song Dynasties

The 32nd title of The CHANT Series, Citations of the Shiji Found in the Leishu Compiled in the Tang and Song Dynasties, was published by the Chinese University Press in December 2013. The book made use of the CHANT database to collect citations of the Shiji found in the Leishu, compiled in the Tang and Song dynasties. The book will enable researchers to study the texts and thoughts of the Shiji in a more efficient manner. To place order, please click here.

Back to Issue
Event: The first Jao Tsung-I Visiting Professor Public Lecture – Professor Nils Göran David Malmqvist
Event: 2014 ICS Luncheon I – The Conservation of the Mogao Grottoes
Event: 2014 ICS Luncheon II – The Origin of Blue and White Porcelain in the Yuan Dynasty
Event: Renditions Distinguished Lecture Series on Literary Translation – Research Centre for Translation
Event: Fai Chun Writing event
Exhibition : "Notable Horses in Chinese Culture: Celebrating the Year of the Horse" – Art Museum
Event: Linguistic Seminar by Professor John Whitman – T.T. Ng Chinese Language Research Centre
Event: Workshop on the Syntax of Topics – T.T. Ng Chinese Language Research Centre
Event: Linguistic Seminar by Professor Wei-Tien Tsai – T.T. Ng Chinese Language Research Centre
New Publications
Event Highlight
Editorial Board Committee
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