29. 05. 2021    ISSUE 30

Training Activities on Running Social Service

Under the I·CARE Social Service Projects Scheme, periodic training opportunities are offered to students, who aspire to organise self-initiated social service and are interested in submitting applications for funding support, to equip them with relevant knowledge, skills and competence in actualising their ideas.  Prior to the commencement of the third round’s funding application of this scheme, two online training activities, namely “Workshop of Practice cum Sharing Session” and Sharing Session on “Empowering Vulnerable Communities through Social Innovation”, were conducted on the 31st of March and the 9th of April respectively.

In the first activity, “Love · Care · Boundaryless”, an outstanding team that had received subsidy from the I·CARE Social Service Projects Scheme for more than once, was invited to share their bittersweet experience in serving asylum seekers in Hong Kong amid the COVID-19 pandemic.  One of the beneficiaries also turned up to talk about how the project had deepened asylum seekers’ understanding of Hong Kong and what kind of support they had garnered during the epidemic outbreak.

As for the second activity, Mr. Tony Chan, Co-founder and Director of LxM and Craving Good, served as the guest to recount his experience in leading university students to provide educational services in Myanmar.  Mr. Chan also introduced his project which converted face-to-face classes into online ones during the epidemic outbreak so that the Burmese children could keep learning without interruption.  He then shared the work of his social enterprise and encouraged participants to serve overseas communities through innovative initiatives.

For more information about the I·CARE Social Service Projects Scheme, please visit here.  Any enquiry can be directed to Miss Fung of this Centre at 3943 9860 (Tel) or mayfung@cuhk.edu.hk (Email).

Training Activities on Running Social Service
Training Activities on Running Social Service
Training Activities on Running Social Service

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Table of Contents

Getting to Know I·CARE by the Brand-new Promotional Video

Mother Nature Rocks (3rd Tour, 2020-21): Open for Enrolment

“Fitness x Mentorship” Scheme: Extended Activities

Hong Kong Homeless Census 2021: Recruitment of Volunteers

Social Enterprise Startup Scheme: Full Steam Ahead

CUEA Happy Hour - The Rock 'n Road for Vocalising and Playing Music by Social Enterprises

Student Development Portfolio: Recent Points to Note

A Walk in Community with I·CARE (1st Session): Successfully Completed

I·CARE NGO Internship Programme (Hong Kong): In Full Gear

I·CARE Hong Kong Cultural Tours Project: Progress Update

I·CARE Cross-generational Integration Programme: Activities Update

Training Activities on Running Social Service

Screening cum Sharing Session on “I Still Remember”: Nicely Concluded

CUHK Bridge to China Team: Progress Update

Event Calendar


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