The Chinese University of Hong Kong
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
May 01, 2016 Volume 120
Office of Academic Links(China)
Executive Exchange

Annual Review Meeting of the State Ministry of Education (MOE) Student Interflow Programme 2016

The annual review meeting of the State Ministry of Education (MOE) Student Interflow Programme was held in Hangzhou on 28 April 2016.  Over 130 units attended the meeting, including officials from  the Education Department of 23 provinces and cities, Hong Kong and Macau Affairs Office of MOE and Liaison Offices of the Central People's Government in Hong Kong and Macau, as well as representatives from Hong Kong, Macau and mainland universities.  

Launched by MOE in 2013, the interflow programme aims at supporting undergraduate and postgraduate students of tertiary institutions in Hong Kong to participate in various exchange and interflow activities in mainland China.
 In the meeting, participants exchanged ideas in organising activities and discussed the challenges and problems they encountered.  Plans and suggestions were discussed for better programme implementation and coordination.  Mr. Simon Leung, Programme Officer of Office of Academic Links (China) of CUHK gave a report on CUHK's experience during the meeting.

CUHK has been actively participating in the interflow programme since it was launched.
 In 2015, over 130 projects were completed under the Programme in collaboration with 48 mainland universities, sending a total of over 1,800 students and staff members. The meeting provided a valuable opportunity for the university representatives from Hong Kong, Macau and mainland China to enhance communication and explore ways of more effective and comprehensive programme implementation.

Group photo for Annual Review Meeting of the State Ministry of Education (MOE) Student Interflow Programme 2016

Annual Review Meeting

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