The Chinese University of Hong Kong
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Jun 01, 2011 Volume 58
Office of Academic Links(China)
Visit of Vice-Minister of Education and Director of The Centre for Training and Testing Putonghua Teachers and Speakers

Ms. Li Weihong, Vice-Minister of the Ministry of Education and Director of The Centre for Training and Testing Putonghua Teachers and Speakers, The State Language and Writing Commission (SLWC) led a delegation to the Chinese University of Hong Kong to attend "The Forum Celebrating the 15th Anniversary of National Putonghua Proficiency Test in Hong Kong". Delegates include Ms. Yin Xiaojing, Deputy Director of the Liaison Office of the Central People's Government in the HKSAR (LOCPG) and Mr. Pang Yonghua, Director General, Education, Science & Technology Department, LOCPG.

Prof. Joseph Sung, Vice-Chancellor of CUHK officiated at the Forum with Ms. Li Weihong. Ms. Li expressed that the launching of National Putonghua Proficiency Test has not only helped promote cultural exchange between Mainland China and Hong Kong, but also facilitated Hong Kong people to meet the changing political, economic, and social demands.

Mdm. Li Weihong took of the opportunity to learn more about the University's after the ceremony. She met with Prof. Jack Cheng, Pro-Vice-Chancellor and Prof. Alvin Leung, Dean of Faculty of Education. Under the guidance of Prof. Jack Cheng, she also visited the Arts Museum and Pavilion of Harmony and was impressed by the University's green campus.

Since 1996, The Centre for Training and Testing Putonghua Teachers and Speakers, SLWC has established partnerships with eleven local tertiary institutions and started launching National Putonghua Proficiency Test in Hong Kong. It has become the statutory test of Putonghua competence. As at end of 2010, over 70,000 Hong Kong residents have taken the test.

The Forum was co-organized by Putonghua proficiency test centres from eleven local tertiary institutions, Institute of Applied Linguistics, Ministry of Education, and The Centre for Training and Testing Putonghua Teachers and Speakers; with Centre for Research and Development of Putonghua Education, CUHK as the supporting organizer. The Forum was held on CUHK campus. 

Prof. Joseph Sung (left), Vice-Chancellor of CUHK together with Ms. Li Weihong (right) officiate at “The Forum Celebrating the 15th Anniversary of National Putonghua Proficiency Test in Hong Kong”

Ms. Li Weihong, Vice-Minister of the Ministry of Education and Director of The Centre for Training and Testing Putonghua Teachers and Speakers, The State Language and Writing Commission

Prof. Jack Cheng (right) and Ms. Li Weihong (left) in the Pavilion of Harmony

Under the guidance of Prof. Jack Cheng (left), Ms. Li Weihong (right) visits the Arts Museum

Group photo of "The Forum Celebrating the 15th Anniversary of National Putonghua Proficiency Test in Hong Kong"

:: Back to This Issue
:: Cross-Strait Green University Consortium
:: Visit of Vice-Minister of The Ministry of Education
:: Visit of Vice-Minister of Education and Director of The Centre for Training and Testing Putonghua Teachers and Speakers
:: 2011 Academia Sinica Academicians Visit Programme cum Lecture Series Successfully Launched
:: CUHK Executive Delegation to Beijing and Tianjin
:: State Key Laboratory in Oncology in South China Strategic Summit
:: Writers @CUHK
:: Visit of Former President of Shenzhen University
:: The Latest Academic Exchange Agreements

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