The Chinese University of Hong Kong
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
May 01, 2016 Volume 120
Office of Academic Links(China)
Faculty Mobility Schemes

1. Mainland and Taiwan Strategic Partnership Development Program

2. Research Grant for Taiwan Studies and Fellowship

3. Sharing by Visiting Scholar from Southwest University


Mainland and Taiwan Strategic Partnership Development Program


The Programme was launched by the University to enhance the academic exposure of its faculty members and to foster the development of strategic and research partnerships with Mainland China and Taiwan.  It supports CUHK faculty members to undertake visits of up to one-week at a selected group of key partners.

All academic members are now invited to submit proposals for the above Programme.  Detailed guidelines and application form for this program can be found on our website: Completed applications and materials should be sent to the Office of Academic Links (China) by  27 May 2016.


Research Grant for Foreign Scholars in Chinese Studies and Taiwan Fellowship


The Centre for Chinese Studies (CSS) in Taiwan is calling for applications from overseas scholars to visit Taiwan for academic research.  Details  are as follows:


1) Research Grant for Foreign Scholars in Chinese Studies


Scope of Funding

Professors, associate professors, assistant professors (including post-doctoral researchers) and doctoral candidates in Chinese studies-related departments (not applicable for scholars already in Taiwan)

Field of Research

Taiwan or Chinese studies

Research Period 

January to December in the following year

Research Tenure

Three months to one year

Funding Standard

Travel and research subsidies

Other Assistance

Research materials, liaison with universities and research institutions, use of CCS facilities, etc.

Application Deadline

31 May 2016

Announcement Date

End of August 2016

Further Information and Online Application


Phone: +886-2-2314-7321


2) Taiwan Fellowship


Scope of Funding

Professors, associate professors, assistant professors, post-doctoral researchers, doctoral candidates or doctoral programme students at related departments of overseas universities, or research fellows at an equivalent level in academic institutions abroad

Field of Research

Topics in the social sciences and humanities related to the Republic of China (Taiwan), cross-strait relations, mainland China, the Asia Pacific and Sinology

Research Period 

January to December in the following year

Research Tenure

Three months to one year

Funding Standard

Travel subsidy and stipends

Other Assistance

Accident insurance of NT$1,000,000

Application Deadline

31 May 2016

Announcement Date

End of August 2016

Further Information and Online Application


Phone: +886-2-2314-7321



Note: Successful candidate(s) have to make use of their own leave entitlement for this programme Please contact the University's Personnel Office or relevant academic units for any enquiries on leave arrangements.


Sharing by Visiting Scholar from Southwest University


Prof. Wang Yuanjie from the Institute of Chinese Language and Literature of Southwest University visited CUHK for six months under our Mainland and Taiwan Visiting Scholar Programme from 5 November 2015 He was hosted by Prof. Feng Shengli, Department of Chinese Language and Literature of CUHK for academic exchange and participation in a variety of research projects.  Prof. Wang recently completed his visit and would like to share his experience in CUHK.  Please click here to view the sharing article.

OALC launched the Mainland and Taiwan Visiting Scholar Programme in 2008 to forge academic exchange and promote research collaboration between CUHK and its partner institutions in mainland China and Taiwan.  Enquiries can be forwarded to Miss Jennifer Chan of our Office at 39438728 or via

Prof. Wang Yuanjie (middle) from Southwest University visits CUHK for six months under our Mainland and Taiwan Visiting Scholar Programme

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