24. 02. 2018    ISSUE 6

I·CARE Achievers Programme: Tryout Activities

The full-fledged I·CARE Achievers Programme will commence in the 1st term of 2018-19.  To gauge the effectiveness of part of the activities to be run under this Programme, a number of tryouts have been organised in February-April for free participation of all full-time undergraduates and postgraduates.

The first tryout activity "Workshop on Value Clarification", which was led by Ms. Irene Ng (Director of this Centre), was completed on 8 February.  Ms. Ng utilised the training tool for "Modelling the Way" under Student Leadership Challenge® to assist participants to clarify their own value system, as well as to develop their potential by aligning their belief and action.

The other two tryout activities will be launched in March with details as follows:

i)  Training Camp on Self-esteem & Perseverance*

Date:9 and 10 March 2018 (Friday and Saturday)
Venue:Breakthrough Youth Village, Shatin
Time:2:00 pm - 4:00 pm of the following day
Content:Good psychological quality, soft skills and interpersonal relationship are all vital to facilitate your
face of different challenges arisen from university studies.  In the camp, participants will take part
in a wide range of adventure-based activities so as to strengthen their self-esteem, perseverance,
leadership and team spirit.  This camp will particularly fit the need of the incoming executive
committee members of different student societies.
Trainer:Breakthrough Renewal Pavilion
Deposit:HKD $200**

ii)  Retreat Day*

Date:11 March 2018 (Sunday)
Venue:Tsz Shan Monastery, Tai Po
Time:9:30 am - 4:30 pm
Quota:40 (already full; new registration will be on waiting list)
Content:If a pit stop is needed within your busy campus life, this non-religious retreat day will suffice.
Participants will be given chances to practise meditation, join the silent meal, and experience Zen
calligraphy etc., to achieve inner serenity and grasp the "here and now".
Trainer:Education Department of Tsz Shan Monastery
Deposit:HKD $100**

*    Participants are only allowed to choose either activity
**   Deposit will be refunded upon attendance on the event day

Online registration:

There will be a last tryout activity, namely "Group Session on Character Building", to be held in April.  Through the Character Education Foundation's model, the good virtue of participants, e.g. respect, kindness, integrity, empathy, appreciation, passion and responsibility, will be facilitated.  These are expected to help handle adversity.  More details will be announced in due course.

If there is any enquiry, please contact Miss Leung of this Centre at 3943 3359 or email to

I·CARE Achievers Programme: Tryout Activities

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Table of Contents


I·CARE Achievers Programme: Tryout Activities

I·CARE Salon (11th Session) - What is "Law"

"Social Innovation Flow" Interactive Exhibition Truck at CUHK

A Walk in Community with I·CARE 2017-18 (4th Session)

I·CARE Theatre's The Shawshank Redemption

I·CARE Social Service Day: Recruitment of Volunteers

S.I. Leadership Workshop II

I·CARE Community Research Scheme: Progress Update

Life@CUHK - Exploring the Plentiful Possibilities of Life

Talk of Walter Cheung: The Voice of 66 Marathons

Event Calendar


Past Issue