The Chinese University of Hong Kong
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Jan 01, 2014 Volume 90
Office of Academic Links(China)
Academic Exchange

- Presidents from Institutions of Mainland China, Taiwan and Macau Joins the Celebratory Events of the 50th Anniversary of CUHK
- Annual Conference of Shanghai-Hong Kong Development Institute 


Presidents from Institutions of Mainland China, Taiwan and Macau Joins the Celebratory Events of the 50th Anniversary of CUHK

Golden Jubilee University Presidents' Forum and 50th Anniversary Banquet were held on 7-8 December 2013 in celebrating the 50th Anniversary of the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK). Presidents from Mainland China, Taiwan and Macau including Prof. Yang Yuliang of Fudan University, Prof. Wang Shuguo of Harbin Institute of Technology, Prof. Nie Qiuhua of Ningbo University, Prof. Wang Enge of Peking University, Prof. Zhang Jie of Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Prof. Hou Jianguo of University of Science and Technology of China, Prof. Jou Jing-Yang of Taiwan Central University, Prof. Lee Wu Yan-Hwa of Taiwan Chiao Tung University, Prof. Liang Kung-Yee of Yang-Ming University, Prof. Ovid Tzeng of University System of Taiwan and Prof. Wei Zhao of University of Macau, joined the two events.

Some 40 leaders of higher learning from 14 countries and regions gathered on the University campus for the Golden Jubilee University Presidents' Forum held on 7 December 2013 with the aim to promote intercultural and multicultural exchanges in universities. Mr. Edward Cheng, Chairman of University Grants Committee in Hong Kong officiated at the Forum. The theme of the Forum was 'Enhancing Intercultural and Multicultural Exchanges in Universities'. During the Forum, Dr. Phyllis Wise, Chancellor, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign delivered a keynote speech on 'Global Citizenship: the Role of University Education'; Prof. Zhang Jie, President, Shanghai Jiao Tong University gave a talk entitled 'University Policies and Strategies: China and the World'; and Prof. Andrew Hamilton, Vice-Chancellor, University of Oxford talked about 'Partnerships and Collaborations: Universities, Governments and Community'.

The Forum acted as a platform for senior members from mainland universities to share their insights on the international higher education landscape and help promote partnership development between the East and the West. The Presidents also joined the 50th Anniversary Banquet on 8 December to share the joy of the anniversary celebration with over 3,000 students, staff, alumni and friends of the University.

Official Website of the Forum:

Press release of the Forum:


Annual Conference of Shanghai-Hong Kong Development Institute


2013 Annual Conference of Shanghai-Hong Kong Development Institute was held on the campus of the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) from 13 to 14 December 2013. A 12-member delegation from Fudan University attended the conference in CUHK. Prof. Fanny Cheung, Pro-Vice-Chancellor of CUHK and Prof. Liu Cheng Gong, Vice-President of Fudan University renewed the Collaborative Agreement between CUHK and Fudan University on Shanghai-Hong Kong Development Institute at the opening ceremony of the annual event.


The theme of the Conference was 'The Restructuring of Chinese Economy and The Economic Development of Shanghai and Hong Kong'. About 50 representatives and economists from institutions in Hong Kong, Mainland China and overseas took part in the activity. Twenty talks were delivered at the conference on the transformation and development in various aspects of trading, finance, investment, environment, real estate and transportation economics, and regional and urban development. The event served to foster dynamic academic exchange among the experts and scholars in the area of development of Hong Kong and Shanghai. 


CUHK and Fudan University jointly established the Shanghai-Hong Kong Development Institute in 2001. The annual conference not only provided a regular opportunity for exchange of expertise and research studies in the development of Hong Kong and Shanghai but also strengthened collaborative efforts for research excellence between CUHK and Fudan University.

A group photo of leaders of higher learning from 14 countries and regions and members of CUHK staff taking part in the CUHK Golden Jubilee University Presidents’ Forum

Prof. Zhang Jie giving his keynote ‘University Policies and Strategies: China and the World’

Prof. Wang Enge of Peking University

Prof. Yang Yuliang of Fudan University

Prof. Hou Jianguo of University of Science and Technology of China (right)

Prof. Wang Shuguo of Harbin Institute of Technology (left)

Prof. Nie Qiuhua of Ningbo University (right)

Prof. Ovid Tzeng of University System of Taiwan

Prof. Jou Jing-Yang of Taiwan Central University (left)

Prof. Lee Wu Yan-Hwa (left) of Taiwan Chiao Tung University

Prof. Liang Kung-Yee of Yang-Ming University (left)

Prof. Fanny Cheung (right) of CUHK and Prof. Liu Cheng Gong (left) of Fudan University renew the Collaborative Agreement between the Chinese University of Hong Kong and Fudan University on Shanghai-Hong Kong Development Institute

About 50 representatives and economists from institutions in Hong Kong, Mainland China and overseas attend the Shanghai-Hong Kong Development Institute 2013 Annual Conference

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