The Chinese University of Hong Kong
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Sep 01, 2017 Volume 136
Office of Academic Links(China)
Invitation to Academic Exchange Activities

1. Academic Symposium on Theory and Application of Smart City Research
2. Call for Papers: The 2nd Doctoral Forum by the Chinese Academy of Art 2017


Academic Symposium on Theory and Application of Smart City Research


The Academic Symposium on Theory and Application of Smart City Research, co-organized by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC), the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) and the Beijing-Hong Kong Academic Exchange Centre (BHKAEC), will be held in CUHK on September 25 – 28, 2017.  You are invited to join this event and online registration can be made at


Three renowned speakers will give keynote speech at the Symposium, they are Ir Allen Yeung, JP, HKSAR Government Chief Information Officer,  Prof. LIU Zhi Yong of Institute of Computing Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences and Prof. SHI Yong of School of Economics and Management, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences.  Scholars from mainland China and Hong Kong will also give presentations and share their research findings and insights in the field.


The Symposium aims to discuss the breakthrough in frontier research in Smart City based on its latest trend, in order to serve the major needs of national development in smart city research, heading to world-recognized level.


Enquiries on the Symposium can be forwarded to Miss Jennifer Chan of our Office at 39438728 or via  For further details, please visit our symposium webpage at


Call for Papers: The 2nd Doctoral Forum by the Chinese Academy of Art 2017


The 2nd Doctoral Forum organized by The Chinese Academy of Art will be held in Hangzhou on November 25 – 26, 2017, with the theme of "What is Art?".  The Forum is now calling for papers from doctoral students in Fine Arts or related academic fields.  The deadline of paper submission is 10 November 2017.  Details of the Forum and paper requirements can be found here.

The Academic Symposium on Theory and Application of Smart City Research is now calling for online registration

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