Foreword |
Dear students,
Easter break is just round the corner. This year, it will come along with the first-ever University Reading Week. Are you going to utilise this period to do some revision for your final exams? Or you will really pick a book to read? If the latter, you could have a broad choice but A Brief History of Time written by Stephen Hawking is believed most seasonable. You may have come across it when you were in secondary school. I wish it would take on a new meaning to you - that is "hope".
Blood and Book Giving - A Challenge of Blood Donation Relay |
The Blood Donation Campaign 2018 has been scheduled for 14 March - 6 April. At the blood collection point set up by Hong Kong Red Cross in Multi-purpose Room, I·CARE Centre for Whole-person Development, 5/F, Wong Foo Yuan Building (on Friday, 6 April from 11:30 am to 6:30 pm), the "Blood and Book Giving - A Challenge of Blood Donation Relay" will be run. All CUHK students and staff are invited to partake in this life-saving cause to help people who require blood transfusion.
I·CARE Achievers Programme: Tryout Activities |
The tryout activities "Training Camp on Self-esteem & Perseverance" and "Retreat Day" under the I·CARE Achievers Programme were held on 9 - 10 March and 11 March respectively in a smooth manner.
Student Development Portfolio: Recruitment of Focus Group Members |
The Student Development Portfolio (SDP) is a university-wide electronic platform for capturing and presenting students' Experiential Learning Activities (ELA) under the whole-person development framework namely I·CARE. Its major functions include viewing of ELA offered by various units of the University, updating and maintaining participation records and producing ELA Report to showcase learning achievements.
I·CARE Social Service Day: Playing a University Student for a Day |
Co-ordinated by this Centre, the I·CARE Social Service Day, themed Playing a University Student for a Day, was held on 18 March. A volunteer team, comprising 40 CUHK students and 20 elderly, planned and implemented the event in which 120 students from secondary schools were received to gain an experience of university life.
I·CARE Social Service Projects Scheme 2017-18: 3rd Round of Application Opened |
The I·CARE Programme invites social service project proposals from students that contribute to their whole-person development. The 3rd round of subsidy application in 2017-18 is now open. Successful applicants will receive funding support to implement self-initiated social services in Hong Kong, the Mainland and overseas.
I·CARE Community Research Scheme: Progress Update |
Over the past month, participants of the I·CARE Community Research Scheme have been working hard in conducting studies on "Elderly-friendly Housing" and "Ma On Shan Community Development".
Research on Homeless Mental Health: Outcome Announcement |
A press conference was held at Hollywood
Road Park, Sheung Wan a month ago to announce the findings of the research
project on "Homeless Mental Health", which commenced under I·CARE Community
Research Scheme in 2015-16.
I·CARE Salon (12th Session) - What is "Morality" |
An iconic programme under University Lecture on Civility, the I·CARE Salon had its 11th session successfully held on 1 March. Titled What is "Law", this session was presided by Dr. Margaret Ng, a practicing barrister. Dr. Ng shed light on the different concepts of "Law", and was actively engaged in the discussion with the participants in this meaningful evening.
I·CARE Theatre - A Finale of Three Films in a Chain |
The I·CARE Theatre, co-organised by this Centre and The Office of the Arts Administrator, was rolled out in the start of this year and has been bringing you a fine selection of films under the theme "Glitter in the Gloom". Its finale of this academic year will lie on April. Three films namely An, Nobody Knows, and Once* will, therefore, be screened on 13 April 2018 (Friday) at the Sir Run Run Shaw Hall in one go. Details are as follows:
S.I. Leadership Workshop II: Latest Events |
Co-organised by CUSE Fund under this Centre and Yunus Social Business Centre@CUHK, the S.I. Leadership Workshop II is approaching its end. To enable participants of the S.I. Leadership Award and other interested parties to have a more in-depth understanding of the operation of social innovation projects and the challenges incurred, the S.I. Leadership Workshop II will organise an extra case sharing session whereby the team iSEE Mobile Apps*, which assumed championship of the Hong Kong Social Enterprise Challenge in 2016, will share with participants their social innovation ideas. This team has also been granted CUSE Fund for 2017-18. Details are as follows:
Event Calendar |
Please click on the image below for more information.