2018 No.4
Featured Article:「發明敵人」:《新潮》學生翻譯一則



葉嘉 香港中文大學翻譯系


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  • Institute of Chinese Studies wins the Overseas Impactful Award for Sinology
  • Achievement in Energy Conservation Incentive Scheme
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Event: 2018 ICS Luncheon V
  • The Old Master of Taihua Studio: Li Wentian and 19th-century Canton (with new discoveries of Li Wentian's stay in Hong Kong) by Dr. Liang Ji Yong
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Event: 2018 ICS Luncheon VI
  • The Paintings Zhang Daqian Depicted for Dacheng and His Friends, Peers and Patrons from the 1970s to 1980s in Hong Kong by Ms. Fu Yiwen
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Event: CCKF Asia-Pacific Centre for Chinese Studies Visiting Scholar
  • Public Culture of the Mercantile Literati in Qing China by Prof. Chow Kai-wing
  • Nature as Art: Commerce and Garden Culture in Late Imperial China by Prof. Chow Kai-wing
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Event: Opening Ceremony of "Jewels of Transcendence: Himalayan and Mongolian Treasures", Art Museum

The opening ceremony for the exhibition "Jewels of Transcendence: Himalayan and Mongolian Treasures" was held on 29 September 2018. The officiating guests included Mr. and Mrs. Christopher MOK, owners of Cheng Xun Tang; Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth CHU, owners of Mengdiexuan; Prof. FOK Tai-fai, Pro-Vice-Chancellor and Vice President, CUHK; Prof. HO Che-wah, Acting Director of the Institute of Chinese Studies, CUHK; Prof. YIU Chun-chong, Josh, Director of the Art Museum, CUHK; and Prof. XU Xiaodong, Associate Director of the Art Museum, CUHK, and curator of the exhibition.

Event: "Jewels of Transcendence": Keynote Speech and Seminar, Art Museum

On the day of the exhibition opening, the Art Museum also hosted two related academic events. The first is a keynote speech by Dr. Katherine Anne Paul (Curator of the Arts of Asia, Newark Museum, New Jersey) on the topic "Magnificent Gems with Significant Meanings: Himalayan and Mongolian Jewelry". The second is a seminar by Prof. Shang Gang (Professor, Academy of Arts and Design, Tsinghua University), Prof. Li Qinpu (Research Fellow, Zhejiang A&F University), Ms. Zhang Tong (Research Fellow, Inner Mongolia Museum), and Dr. Zhan Zhenpeng (Ph.D., Department of Fine Arts, CUHK), moderated by Prof. Xu Xiaodong, Associated Director of the Art Museum. The two events were attended by 44 and 31 people respectively.

Event: Autumn Guqin Concert, Art Museum
The Art Museum and Deyin Qin Society co-organised an Autumn Guqin Concert on 5 October 2018 (Friday) at the Gallery I of the museum, attracting an audience of nearly 200, who filled the ground floor, as well as the stairs leading to 1/F, 2/F and 3/F.
Event: Brewing Trou-ble in Yixing: A Sharing on the Children Art Book , Art Museum
On 24 November 2018, Prof. Josh Yiu, Director of the Art Museum, and Ms. Joey Leung, an artist in Hong Kong, shared the creation process of the children art book, Brewing Trou-ble in Yixing and performed storytelling at Eslite Spectrum, Tai Koo Store, from 5:00 pm to 6:00 pm. The sharing session attracted over 20 parents and children.
Event: Arts Experience Workshop, Art Museum

From September to December 2018, the Art Museum organised the reputed "Arts Experience Workshop". Themed on the exhibition "Refilling the Interregnum: Newly Discovered Imperial Porcelains from Zhengtong, Jingtai and Tianshun Reigns (1436–1464) of the Ming Dynasty", the workshop included a guided tour, role-play games, and art creation. Through a range of interactive activities, participants would gain first-hand experience in the art and history of imperial porcelains during Zhengtong, Jingtai, and Tianshun Reigns of the Ming Dynasty. A total of 40 groups numbering 1,015 participants took part in the Arts Experience Workshop. 


Event: Ceramics Art Jamming

In order to bring the exhibition "Refilling the Interregnum: Newly Discovered Imperial Porcelains from Zhengtong, Jingtai and Tianshun Reigns (1436-1464) of the Ming Dynasty" to the community, Art Museum organized "Ceramics Art Jamming", inviting CUHK students and staff and visitors of CUHK to paint on a canvas located at various sites at CUHK campus, including The Beacon, Area outside New Asia College Ch'ien Mu Library, Cultural Plaza and Foyer, East Wing of the Art Museum of CUHK. With
the outline of imperial porcelain wares and patterns on the canvas, participants were encouraged to design patterns of porcelain wares and filled porcelain patterns with colour. Through the process of designing and filling up colours, not only did the creativity of the participants unleash, but also creating a dialogue between the participants and the past history/craftworks, leading to an interesting art jamming experience. A total of 486 took people painted on the canvas at "Ceramics Art Jamming".

Event: Unlocking the Sheng Xuanhuai Archive at CUHK, Art Museum

The Art Museum, Digital Services team of the University Library, and experts from Shanghai spent four years to digitize and transcript the Sheng Xuanhuai Archive, which comprises almost 4 million characters in over 13,000 correspondences. The archive is key to understand that period of seismic changes and will revolutionise the studies of late Qing and early Republican China. It also brings us to an important milestone in the skills and techniques of archival digitization.


Event: "Refilling the Interregnum": Curator Tour and Public Lecture, Art Museum
On 7th December, two events related to the exhibition, "Refilling the Interregnum: Newly Discovered Imperial Porcelains from Zhengtong, Jingtai and Tianshun Reigns (1436–1464) of the Ming Dynasty", were held at the Art Museum. At 4:30 pm, a curator tour was led by Dr. Wang Guanyu (Research-Assistant Curator (Antiquities), Art Museum, CUHK) and joined by 43 people. At 5:30 pm, a lecture by Prof. Peter Lam on "Notes on the Studies of Jingdezhen Interregnum Porcelain" drew a crowd of 82 at L1, Institute of
Event: "Art of War" Public Lectures, Art Museum
To accompany the exhibition, "Art of War: Chinese Woodcuts from Yan'an ca. 1944", public lectures co-organized by the Art Museum and The Hong Kong Jockey Club University of Chicago Academic Complex, took place at the University of Chicago Francis and Rose Yuen Campus on 8th December, 10:15 am–1:00 pm. Prof. Thomas Ebrey and Prof. Josh Yiu lectured on the topics "Lu Xun and Me: Our Paths to Chinese Woodblock Prints of His Day" and "Art and War: A New and Real Front for Chinese Artists" respectively 24 people attended the event.
Event: "Jewels of Transcendence" Lecture Series I, Art Museum
On 8th December, 3:00 pm–4:30pm, the first talk of the "Jewels of Transcendence" Lecture Series took place at Bonhams Hong Kong Gallery. The speaker was Ms. Betty Lo, master of the Mengdiexuan Collection, and the title was "Jewels of Transcendence—the Religious Context of Jewellery from the Himalayas". The talk attracted an audience of 33 people.
Event: 2018 Museum Poster Award, Art Museum
2018 Museum Poster Award, Art MuseumThe Art Museum is honoured that the poster of the current exhibition, "Jewels of Transcendence: Himalayan and Mongolian Treasures", was ranked among the Top 10 at the 2018 Museum Poster Award for its outstanding design, while Mr. Eric Leung, member of the museum, was awarded Top 10 Designer.
Event: Linguistics Seminars and the 11th Cross-Strait Symposium on Modern Chinese Language, T. T. Ng Chinese Language Research Centre

Two linguistics seminars organised by the T. T. Ng Chinese Language Research Centre of the Institute of Chinese Studies were held at The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) on 18 October and 1 November. Prof. Meilan Zhang of the Hong Kong Baptist University was invited to deliver a talk on "文獻比較視閾下之粵語特徵研究" (Features of the Cantonese from the perspective of literature comparison) and Prof. Ryosuke Shibagaki of Nanzan University was invited to talk about "The Property of Mandarin Serial Verbs in the Syntax-semantics Interface".

Event: Documentary screening, Research Centre for Contemporary Chinese Culture and Universities Service Centre for China Studies
USC has been co-organising the documentary screening series "Reminiscence" with the Research Centre for Contemporary Chinese Culture since January 2016. The series aims at promoting documentaries on contemporary China, with a focus on folk history and real personages. This is an all-year-around project, starting from each year's September to the next May. From October 2018, USC plans to hold four film screening events under "Reminiscence Documentary Screening Series", namely "The Harsh Transition" screening event on 19 October, "Children at a Village School" on 15 November, "Beyond the Mountains" on 10 December, and "Orphans" on 14 January.
Event: Luncheon seminars, Universities Service Centre for China Studies
From 30 September 2018 to 28 December 2018, the Universities Service Centre for China Studies (USC) organised 12 luncheon seminars on topics of Chinese anti-poverty campaign, economic trend, party governance, and many other issues. The seminars attracted over 200 participants, including local, Mainland and overseas undergraduates and postgraduates, scholars from various academic institutions, journalists, staff of non-governmental organisations, and members of the general public. Many insightful comments and questions were raised during the discussion sessions.
Event: Conferences on Chinese Society and Policy, Universities Service Centre for China Studies
To promote academic exchanges and policy researches on poverty alleviation, USC holds a series of conferences on Chinese Society and Policy. The theme of the fourth meeting is "The Gains and Losses of China's Healthcare Reform", which was held on 16 November 2018. Experts and scholars from various fields were invited to discuss the current situation and the future of Chinese medical system. Speeches were given by Prof. Xin GU from Zhejiang University, Prof. Zhou YANG from World Bank, Prof. Lei JIN from CUHK and Prof. Jingwei HE from The Education University of Hong Kong at the conference. The event attracted an audience of over a hundred scholars, students, journalists, and members of the general public.
New Publications
  • Renditions No. 90 (Autumn 2018), Research Centre for Translation
  • Yu Jian: Selected Poems, Research Centre for Translation
  • Studies in Translation History (2017), Research Centre for Translation
  • Twenty-First Century Bimonthly  (Issue 169, October 2018), Research Centre for Contemporary Chinese Culture
  • Twenty-First Century Bimonthly  (Issue 169, October 2018), Research Centre for Contemporary Chinese Culture
  • Glossaries of the Shangshu and the Shangshu dazhuan, D.C. Lau Research Centre for Chinese Ancient Texts
  • Exhibition Brochure of Jewels of Transcendence: Himalayan and Mongolian Treasures, Art Museum
  • Jewels of Transcendence: Himalayan and Mongolian Treasures, Art Museum
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Event Highlight
  • Fai Chun Writing to Celebrate the Chinese New Year
  • Ancient Chinese Gold Techniques Lecture Series, Art Museum
  • The World of Mandala: On the Tibetan Buddhist Ritual Implements and Iconography of the Mengdiexuan Collection, Art Museum
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Editorial Board Committee
Editor : Lai Chi-tim
Members : Yeung Ching-nam, Cherry
Featured Article:「發明敵人」:《新潮》學生翻譯一則
Event: 2018 ICS Luncheon V
Event: 2018 ICS Luncheon VI
Event: CCKF Asia-Pacific Centre for Chinese Studies Visiting Scholar
Event: Opening Ceremony of "Jewels of Transcendence: Himalayan and Mongolian Treasures", Art Museum
Event: "Jewels of Transcendence": Keynote Speech and Seminar, Art Museum
Event: Autumn Guqin Concert, Art Museum
Event: Brewing Trou-ble in Yixing: A Sharing on the Children Art Book , Art Museum
Event: Arts Experience Workshop, Art Museum
Event: Ceramics Art Jamming
Event: Unlocking the Sheng Xuanhuai Archive at CUHK, Art Museum
Event: "Refilling the Interregnum": Curator Tour and Public Lecture, Art Museum
Event: "Art of War" Public Lectures, Art Museum
Event: "Jewels of Transcendence" Lecture Series I, Art Museum
Event: 2018 Museum Poster Award, Art Museum
Event: Linguistics Seminars and the 11th Cross-Strait Symposium on Modern Chinese Language, T. T. Ng Chinese Language Research Centre
Event: Documentary screening, Research Centre for Contemporary Chinese Culture and Universities Service Centre for China Studies
Event: Luncheon seminars, Universities Service Centre for China Studies
Event: Conferences on Chinese Society and Policy, Universities Service Centre for China Studies
New Publications
Event Highlight
Editorial Board Committee
Past Issues
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