Event Calendar
Please click on the image below for more information.
"Fitness x Mentorship" Scheme: Open for Enrolment
I·CARE Theatre 2019
I·CARE Social Service Projects Scheme: Open for Application
Social Enterprise Startup Scheme
A Walk in Community with I·CARE (1st Session)
Core Group Nurture under I·CARE Achievers Programme: Recruitment of Members
I·CARE Community Research Scheme: Recruitment of Members
I·CARE NGO Internship Programme (Hong Kong): Call for Application
Roadmap for Co-curricular Life - Student Development Portfolio
Yunus Social Business Seminar 2019
Yunus Social Business Centre@CUHK: Social Innovation Activities
CUHK Bridge to China Team: Construction Project Completed & Core Members' Recruitment
"Remembering Charles" Exhibition
List of Winners of S.I. Leadership Award