Two rubbings of the Art Museum donated by Bei Shan Tang were showed in the special exhibition held in the National Museum of Classic Books, National Library of China, Beijing
In May 2016, eight rubbings of the Art Museum donated by Bei Shan Tang were selected for the National Catalogue of Precious Ancient Books 《國家珍貴古籍名錄》. Two of them were showed in the special exhibition "民族記憶 精神家園:國家珍貴古籍特展" during 15–24 July, which held in the National Museum of Classic Books, National Library of China, Beijing. The two rubbings are also included in the exhibition catalogue named《從典籍中汲取教訓》 (pp. 214–215). - Model Calligraphies from the Chunhua Era (Quanzhou version)
淳化閣帖泉州本 Art Museum accession no. :1988.0033 Gift of Bei Shan Tang
- Lanting Preface, Imperial Court version with the ling character topped by a shan radical
御府領字從山本蘭亭序 Art Museum accession no. : 1973.0618 Gift of Dr. Lee Jung Sen
Lee Hysan Visiting Scholar Scheme, USC The USC has admitted the following scholars to the Lee Hysan Visiting Scholar Scheme and provided grants for them to conduct research. All incoming visiting scholars have been invited to give seminars or talks during their stay. For the latest information, please visit the USC website. | Name | Institution | Period of Stay | 1 | 張 根 | 雲南民族大學 | From 8-Jul-2016 to 8-Aug-2016 | 2 | 常紅曉 | 童野傳媒 | From 12-Jul-2016 to 11-Aug-2016 | 3 | 周曉豔 | 對外經濟貿易大學國際商學院 | From 20-Jul-2016 to 18-Aug-2016 | 4 | 郭為桂 | 中共福建省委黨校 | From 22-Jul-2016 to 15-Aug-2016 | 5 | 周葆華 | 復旦大學新聞學院 | From 14-Aug-2016 to 28-Aug-2016 | 6 | 徐 行 | 南開大學周恩來政府管理學院政治學系 | From 16-Aug-2016 to 15-Sep-2016 | 7 | 趙淑梅 | 中國人民大學馬克思主義學院中共黨史系 | From 23-Oct-2016 to 23-Nov-2016 | 8 | 鄧 軍 | 上海交通大學馬克思主義學院 | From 1-Nov-2016 to 30-Nov-2016 | 9 | 馮俊偉 | 山東大學法學院 | From 1-Nov-2016 to 30-Nov-2016 | 10 | 周一平 | 揚州大學 | From 27-Nov-2016 to 24-Dec-2016 |