Involved in Service

Involved is one of the visions embraced in CWC. Students are engaged in and involved with the broader community through service. See how our students are devoted to achieving this vision.

The Eleventh Service Team (2022–23)
The Service Team (2022–23) organised a service project last summer. Please refer to Page 36 of the Report of the Master 2023 for details.

Student Reflections on Service Learning Projects
College Project (Service) (GECW4022) allows students to carry out voluntary service activities in small groups. Two team representatives, Lance and Miko, introduce their projects and share their reflections.

MA Hei Jun Lance (Chinese Medicine/Year 3)
Service Project: Common Language
HUANG Tz-Ting (Architectural Studies/Year 4)
LE Minh Khue (Integrated BBA/Year 2)
MA Wing Gi Beatrix (Journalism and Communication/Year 2)
The project, Common Language, is a service model developed by CWC students who aim to be ‘involved’ with society. Joy Ensemble (a music group formed under the project) considers service not as an act of sacrifice but as an act of mutual benefit. By creating performance opportunities for College students and providing entertainment to residents at rehabilitation centres, the ensemble hopes to connect different society groups with the common language of music. Music transcends language barriers and intellectual differences and overcomes physical challenges, allowing students to communicate with the mentally challenged, handicapped and visually impaired in the melody of love and care.
Through interaction and exchange of positivity, participants discover the value of service. Creating a joyful environment would bring peace and warm one's heart, making one understand that happiness is collective. Just as every performer needs an audience, life is never complete unless we can share our smiles and laughter.

LEUNG Lok Tung Miko (Laws/Year 3)
Service Project: ‘Chinese Cultural Month Workshop’ for South Asian Primary Students
LEUNG Kam Wing (Nursing/Year 3)
PAN Wing Lok (Insurance, Financial and Actuarial Analysis/Year 3)
TANG Lik Wai (Integrated BBA & JD/Year 3)
Chinese Cultural Month Workshop: Learn, Unlearn and Relearn 
For our College service learning project, our team held a Chinese Cultural Month Workshop for South Asian Primary students, with Project P.R.A.I.S.E. under the Hong Kong Council of Social Service (HKCSS) as our partner. South Asian children often face language barriers and cultural gaps. Our Chinese Culture Workshop helped them realise that resources are available for them to integrate into Hong Kong society. The workshop is a two-part programme: After-school Tutorial Classes and Chinese cultural workshops. 
Throughout the service project, we gained a deeper understanding of the current situation of ethnic minorities in Hong Kong and unlearned the stereotypes. This project also made us reflect on how a small action on our part can generate impact. Most students said they were more willing to get along with the locals after this project. Through the Service Project, we realised that breaking the barrier and stereotypes is, in fact, simple – all we need is to initiate a conversation. 
We are all grateful to have been part of this Service Project. This precious experience has solidified our determination to be lifelong servants, and we hope that Hong Kong can ultimately become a more inclusive society with the efforts of each of us in the society. This also resonates with and manifests the core value of CW Chu College, Cultus et Beneficentia

Logo Competition for College Service Learning Projects 

The College organised a logo design competition in early 2024 to invite talented CWC students and alumni to contribute to a distinctive logo representing these service learning projects. The winning logo will be used in service learning-related materials prominently.
The winner goes to Muhammad Usman bin MUJEEB (Computer Science/Year 2). 

Lance and his teammates conducted the project Common Language, which uses music as the medium to provide services.
Lance and his teammates conducted the project Common Language, which uses music as the medium to provide services.
Teammates of Joy Ensemble
Teammates of Joy Ensemble
The flute has become a tool for community service, bringing beautiful notes to the recipients.
The flute has become a tool for community service, bringing beautiful notes to the recipients.
Hosting Chinese New Year calligraphy workshop for students from ethnic minorities
Hosting Chinese New Year calligraphy workshop for students from ethnic minorities
The new logo of College Service Project
The new logo of College Service Project

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