The Research Programme for Lingnan Culture is delighted to welcome Prof. Li Qingxin, Chief Expert of the Yunshan Studio at the Guangdong University of Foreign Studies, as its visiting scholar. Prof. Li was invited to The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) for a week, during which he delivered two public lectures to share his insights on Lingnan culture with CUHK students and scholars.
The first talk was given on 23 September 2024, focusing on the book carving industry in Guangzhou and its impact on book circulation in Vietnam during the 18th–19th century. Approximately 60 members of the CUHK community and the public attended the event, and many insightful comments and questions were raised during the discussion session. The second lecture, part of ICS Luncheon series, took place on 26 September.
*RGC Collaborative Research Project “Lingnan Culture and the World” (2023–2026)