The Professor Julie Hung Hsua Yu Scholarship for Intellectual Excel-leration (2018–19)

The Scholarship (2018–19) was open for application from late January 2019 after the Workshop on Creativity and Introduction of the Scholarship until late March 2019.

Interviews of the Scholarship


Applications from 9 groups (5 individual applicants and 4 teams) were received. All the groups had the opportunity to present their creative endeavours to the judging panel (comprising Prof Julie YU, Ms Michelle LO and Mrs Amelia WONG) on 12 April 2019.


Result of the Scholarship


The panel, after much discussion and deliberation, decided that a Certificate of Merit and an award of HK$10,000 be granted to each of the following individuals/ teams (in alphabetical order of the individuals'/ team leaders' names):


Winners and their Creative Endeavours



Creative Projects


(Year 4, Architectural Studies)


LAU Kimberley Sum Yuen**

(Year 4, Architectural Studies)

'The Chapters'A library renovation design for Kowloon Junior School in Hong Kong

IP Chun Ho

(Year 4, Sociology)

'MYHub'A social project that enables the underprivileged youngsters to show their creativity in life planning

LEUNG Wai Jid Joshua

 (Year 1, Medicine)

A series of paintings under different themes about a 'personal project'

WANG Shao-hsuan*

(Year 4, Professional Accountancy)


SUNG Chen-ru

(Year 4, Architectural Studies)

'CU Tomorrow'A language exchange mobile application to enhance language learning in CUHK

YAN Kai Yin*

(Year 4, Systems Engineering and Engineering Management)


LEE Sze Him

(Year 4, Enrichment Stream in Theoretical Physics)


SIU Ho Ching

(Year 4, Laws)


YU Hok Kan

(Year 4, Mathematics)

'LOCUS'An Augmented Reality (AR) mobile game introducing campus, history and culture of CUHK


*Team leaders

**A student of Lee Woo Sing College

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Donations (16 March–30 June 2019)
Personalia (16 March–30 June 2019)
Dutch Cultural Night
Wine and Cheese Tasting Workshop
Cultus et Beneficentia Award 2019
Hong Kong Cup All Japan University Student Ambassadors English Programme 2018–19
Study Tours in 2018–19
Career and Internship Scheme
The Professor Julie Hung Hsua Yu Scholarship for Intellectual Excel-leration (2018–19)
College Service Team
Residents' Association
Sharing by Students Returning from Outbound Exchange
Sharing by Graduating Class of 2019
Sharing by Incoming Exchange Students (2018–19)
Alumni Greetings
High Table Dinners in 2018–19
College Activities
Culture and Language Enhancement
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