29. 05. 2021    ISSUE 30

Hong Kong Homeless Census 2021: Recruitment of Volunteers

The COVID-19 pandemic has severely restricted the economic activities of Hong Kong and raised the unemployment rate, hence a surge in the homeless population.  As such, the Yunus Social Business Centre@CUHK, which is an affiliate of this Centre, co-organises the “Hong Kong Homeless Census 2021” with five NGOs, namely Christian Concern for the Homeless Association, The Salvation Army, Society for Community Organization, St. James’ Settlement, and Impact HK to obtain an idea of the number of homeless people in Hong Kong, the reasons for their living on the streets, their mental health and financial situations.  The results will be used as advocacy of public policies.

This project is now recruiting 200 volunteers to take a census in various locations in Hong Kong, including streets, parks, fast food restaurants, hostels, and temporary shelters for the homeless people, etc.  Details are as follows:

Briefing Session (Compulsory)
Date : 2 July 2021 (Friday)
Time : 7:30 - 9:30 pm
Venue : To be confirmed
Onsite Survey
Date : 9 July 2021 (Friday)
Time : 7:30 pm - 3:30 am
Remarks : i) The survey will be guided by group leaders who are experienced in 
     visiting the homeless people. If the weather does not allow it, this on-site
     survey will be postponed to 16 July.
    ii) Applicants who are interested in serving as group leaders must attend
     the community visits conducted in the evening of the 25th and the 26th of
     June in order to get themselves familiar with the routes.

For those CUHK members who are interested to serve as volunteers or group leaders in the “Hong Kong Homeless Census 2021”, please click here to complete the application.  For enquiries, please contact Miss Lee of the Yunus Social Business Centre@CUHK at athenalee@cuhk.edu.hk (Email).

# Please click the image at the top-right corner to view the full poster.

Hong Kong Homeless Census 2021: Recruitment of Volunteers

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Table of Contents

Getting to Know I·CARE by the Brand-new Promotional Video

Mother Nature Rocks (3rd Tour, 2020-21): Open for Enrolment

“Fitness x Mentorship” Scheme: Extended Activities

Hong Kong Homeless Census 2021: Recruitment of Volunteers

Social Enterprise Startup Scheme: Full Steam Ahead

CUEA Happy Hour - The Rock 'n Road for Vocalising and Playing Music by Social Enterprises

Student Development Portfolio: Recent Points to Note

A Walk in Community with I·CARE (1st Session): Successfully Completed

I·CARE NGO Internship Programme (Hong Kong): In Full Gear

I·CARE Hong Kong Cultural Tours Project: Progress Update

I·CARE Cross-generational Integration Programme: Activities Update

Training Activities on Running Social Service

Screening cum Sharing Session on “I Still Remember”: Nicely Concluded

CUHK Bridge to China Team: Progress Update

Event Calendar


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