30. 11. 2020    ISSUE 27

I·CARE Community Research Scheme: Training and Recruitment

The I·CARE Community Research Scheme aims to deepen students’ understanding of the deprived communities and to foster their curiosity to explore ways of civic participation through small-scale research.  Themed “Search for Well-rounded Perspective; Renew One’s Perception”, the scheme of this academic year is carried out at two stages to enchance participants’ knowledge of the marginalised groups, overcome their limitation of thoughts and explore the possibility of social changes.

The “Online Training” of Stage 1 was successfully completed on the 17th of this month, which attracted more than 150 man-sessions.  It comprised four sharing sessions presided by scholars, social workers and community-oriented artists.  Through reviewing their fruitful community experience, the speakers introduced their unique angle of communal understanding and inspired the participants to look into different forms of community engagement.  Details are as follows:

Session 1:

  1. How is Research Useful? - The Roles of Academic Research in Grassroots Equality and Community Development / Professor Wong Hung (Associate Professor, Department of Social Work; teacher-in-charge of the scheme), and previous participants of this scheme
  2. Briefing on this academic year’s scheme
Session 2: Back and Forth between “Seeing” and “Action” - An Organisational Response to the Difficulties of Grassroots Housing / Ms. Angel Shih (Senior Programme Officer, Christian Concern for the Homeless Association)

Session 3: What Would an Artist See in a Community? / Mr. Ching Chin-wai (Artist)

Session 4:

  1. What do We Study in a Community? / Ms. Nano Leung (Service Executive of Public Housing & Interim Housing Community Development, HKSKH Lady MacLehose Centre)
  2. Briefing on the “On-site Research” of Stage 2

This scheme is currently recruiting 18 CUHK students to participate in the “On-site Research” of Stage 2.  Participants will receive specialised research training before being engaged in a survey by questionnaire, on-site observation, and in-depth interviews in Shek Lei Interim Housing community.  The research aims to find out residents’ views on the future development of the community and explore appropriate support that the society should offer to the homeless in the long run.

Please click here to register for the “On-site Research”.  For more information about the I·CARE Community Research Scheme, please click here or contact Mr. Ng of this Centre at 3943 9249 (Tel)/ enoch.ng@cuhk.edu.hk (Email).

I·CARE Community Research Scheme: Training and Recruitment

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I·CARE Community Research Scheme: Training and Recruitment

I·CARE Cross-generational Integration Programme - Pastel Nagomi Art Workshop

“Fitness x Mentorship” Scheme: Progress Update

ELA Report for Collection of Prospective Graduates

CUHK Bridge to China Team: Progress Update

Training Events under Social Service Projects Scheme

I·CARE Secret Talk: Successfully Completed

Value Exploration Activities under I·CARE Achievers Programme

I·CARE Hong Kong Cultural Tours Project: Progress Update

CUEA Happy Hour - A Straw, A Crutch, A Book: Where Innovation Meets Social Problems

Social Enterprise Startup Scheme: Summary of First Term

“Sustainable Development Goals x General Education” Study Scheme

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