Professor Li received the Croucher Innovation Award 2018. He and his team has been engaged in astrophysics and gravitational waves research and research projects of the Virgo Collaboration and Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatory (LIGO) Scientific Collaboration. With the support from the Croucher Foundation, Professor Li will conduct research to unveil the nature and origin of compact objects and further explore three sub-questions: Is general relativity the correct theory of gravity? How and where do compact objects come from? What types of exotic compact objects exist in Nature?
Professor Miao has been conferred the Croucher Senior Research Fellowship 2019 in recognition of his extraordinary achievements in exploring and developing organic chemistry and molecular functional materials. One of the major research works of Professor. Miao was exploring new carbon nano-structures, and his team has synthesized the largest segment of negatively-curved graphene recently, making a significant contribution to this new frontier of carbon nano-materials.
University Press Release