中國文化研究所《中國文化研究所學報》 《中國文化研究所學報》第六十六期已經出版。本期刊載論文八篇、書評八篇,合共300頁。
論文 - 張曉宇:〈從黃隱事件再論元祐初期政局與黨爭〉
- 李子歸:〈明代建陽的書戶與書坊〉
- 陳冠華:〈明儒呂柟師承敘述之考析〉
- 吳兆豐:〈中晚明士大夫教化宦官「運動」:以內書堂為中心〉
- 張 建:〈內監梁九功與康雍之際的儲位鬥爭:對清代宦官問題的再思考〉
- 歐麗娟:〈《紅樓夢》中的「六朝」及其意涵〉
- 黃 湛:〈段玉裁顧廣圻論爭始末重探〉
- 徐世博:〈清末江蘇學政的考試與選拔:以經古考試和南菁書院為中心〉
書評 - Michael Nylan, "The Book of Lord Shang: Apologetics of State Power in Early China by Shang Yang. Edited and translated by Yuri Pines"
- Dorothy Ko, "Bodies in China: Philosophy, Aesthetics, Gender, and Politics by Eva Kit Wah Man"
- Constance A. Cook, "Imprints of Kinship: Studies of Recently Discovered Bronze Inscriptions from Ancient China edited by Edward L. Shaughnessy"
- Kenneth Pomeranz, "The Economic History of China: From Antiquity to the Nineteenth Century by Richard von Glahn"
- Alice Wen-Chuen Cheang, "Drifting among Rivers and Lakes: Southern Song Dynasty Poetry and the Problem of Literary History by Michael A. Fuller"
- Jeffrey Riegel, "Confucius Beyond the Analects by Michael Hunter"
- Joyce A. Madancy, "Living on Borrowed Time: Opium in Canton, 1906–1936 by Xavier Paules. Translated by Noel Castelino"
- 何漢威, "Merchants of War and Peace: British Knowledge of China in the Making of the Opium War by Song-Chuan Chen"
當代中國文化研究中心《二十一世紀》 《二十一世紀》2018年2月號,第165期已經出版。「二十一世紀評論」之主題為「改革開放四十年」,邀請四位昔日的參與者或見證人,一同回顧中國走過的崎嶇曲折改革道路。
有「改革四君子」之稱的朱嘉明和翁永曦撰文〈中國改革:一個趨於複雜的長期歷史運動〉及〈改革開放初期的年輕人〉,分別從經濟學和個人經歷角度回顧改革歷程,兩人的行文風格迥異,隱然讓人看到兩部改革開放的個人史。對中國政制問題有深入了解的嚴家祺,其文章〈新英雄史觀和中國大轉型──改革開放的回顧和反思〉,則從大轉型的宏觀歷史視野剖析中國的改革本質。本刊編委陳方正〈從改革開放到未來世界〉,析論近年西方國家的發展趨勢,並連繫到中國改革的未來展望。 除專題的評論文章外,本期另刊載學術論文四篇: - 卞冬磊:〈開眼看「中國」:在《澳門新聞紙》發現世界、國家與自我〉
- 陳陽:〈「地勢寫真畫」:民初風景照中的民族認同〉
- 代兵、張碧坤:〈1969年:中美蘇戰略大三角形成的起點〉
- 徐勇:〈1980年代中國大陸文學選本與文學場域的建構〉
而「學人往事」欄目,則由樊善標教授撰文〈飛鵝山上──敬悼余光中老師〉以懷念其師。 本期詳細內容,歡迎瀏覽《二十一世紀》網頁:
當代中國文化研究中心「商業∕文化∕社區:香港企業家傳記系列」叢書 當代中國文化研究中心「香港商人家族:歷史與營商文化」研究計劃的第六及第七本「商業∕文化∕社區:香港企業家傳記系列」叢書,亦已相繼出版。
《大浪淘沙──家族企業的優勝劣敗》由本中心副主任鄭宏泰博士及名譽副研究員周文港博士主編,全書以家族企業發展的所在地──即內地、台灣、香港和澳門──分佈排序,配以發展時期的先後,讓讀者可以較好地掌握各個案例的發展環境與條件。這些個案,有部分分析整個商幫群體,大部分仍以個別家族的個案分析為主,透過十二篇論文,分享不同家族企業優勝劣敗的經驗。 《可繼之道──華人家族企業發展挑戰與出路》由本中心副主任鄭宏泰博士及清華大學五道口金融學院全球家族企業研究中心主任高皓所著,兩位作者憑着多年對家族企業的研究,特別挑選了李嘉誠家族、廖創興家族、鄭裕彤家族、利希慎家族、何東家族、郭得勝家族等,多維度地考察與分析華人家族企業傳承接班的問題及模式;並就其走向現代化管理的成效,以及婚姻與血脈傳承等關係作出探討,期望能為華人家族企業發展中所面對挑戰與出路提供借鑑。
翻譯研究中心Translation and Modernization in East Asia in the Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Centuries (English version only)
The present volume is a collection of eleven selected papers of the international conference on "Translation and Modernization in East Asia in the 19th and Early 20th Centuries," organized by the Research Centre for Translation, The Chinese University of Hong Kong in May 2013. The conference aimed at studying the role played by translation in the modernization process of the East Asian countries. In the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, many people saw the West as a model for modernization and hence modernization in East Asia was more often than not taken as a process of learning from or even imitating the West. In this process, translation played a crucial role, when efforts were made to import Western ideas, knowledge, concepts, and practices. The articles in this volume study and explain the various translation phenomena in the modernization process of China, Korea, and Japan.
翻譯研究中心《譯叢》 (English version only)
Renditions (nos.87 & 88) is entirely devoted to translations of and introductions to works of fiction produced in urban China in the years between 1916 and 1949. In spite of the conspicuous popularity of these works, their variety and innovativeness, they were denied appropriate recognition in their own time by the elites that set the tone for what was considered to be proper literature. This negligence has only become worse in the years since 1949, as the works have received very little attention in the critical discourse on modern literature that has flourished in an expanding Chinese academy, particularly in the years since 1980. By presenting a sampling of the rich variety of fiction from the Republican period, this issue hopes to make a small contribution to remedying this historical injustice.