2014 No.4
  • Call for Paper Proposals: 2015 Young Scholars' Forum in Chinese Studies
  • Research Project on Ancient Goldsmith Techniques in China – Art Museum
  • Digital Collection Management of the Art Museum
  • Recent Donation from the Bank of America Charitable Foundation – Art Museum 

Call for Paper Proposals: 2015 Young Scholars' Forum in Chinese Studies

The Institute of Chinese Studies (ICS) in The Chinese University of Hong Kong announces the 2015 Young Scholars' Forum in Chinese Studies, to be held on 7–9 May 2015, at The Chinese University of Hong Kong. The forum aims to nurture young scholars in Chinese Studies and strengthen the network among young scholars in the field.

ICS plans to invite 25 PhD students (after completing qualifying examinations) or young scholars with less than five years' working experiences from local and overseas universities for presentations of their recent research output on any aspect of Chinese studies, drawing on but not limited to the disciplines of history, literature, religion, art and thought. We prefer proposals (in Chinese or in English) that relate to the theme of 'Chinese Studies in comparative perspectives', including cross-regional studies, inter-textual and methodological comparisons, and inter-disciplinary studies. Participants are expected to be proficient in both English and Chinese.

The conference will only cover expenses for lodging and round-trip transportation (economy class) for the participants. The organiser will provide a maximum subsidy of 1000 USD, subject to approval. Conference registration is free.

Papers will be selected by a committee from The Chinese University of Hong Kong. Local faculty will serve as discussants for the selected papers. Publication for selected papers will be considered after the forum.

For application, please submit a 1000-word paper proposal and short biography via our online submission system at http://www.cuhk.edu.hk/ics/general/forum/submission.html.

Deadlines: Paper proposals and brief biographies due 15 January 2015.

Research Project on Ancient Goldsmith Techniques in China – Art Museum

Funded by the Chow Tai Fook Jewellery Group Limited, the Art Museum is now working with the Shaanxi Research Institute of Cultural Heritage Protection on a two-year research project to investigate ancient goldsmith techniques in China. The project seeks to apply modern technology to analyse ancient gold artefacts, and to apply perspectives from art history and archaeology toward understanding the development of goldsmith techniques in relation to their social, historical and cultural context. The Art Museum aims to conduct a comprehensive study on goldsmith techniques and to share related academic findings with the public in the future.

Digital Collection Management of the Art Museum

The Museum System (TMS) was introduced to the Art Museum earlier this year to facilitate organisation, cataloguing and management of our collection, which comprises over 15,000 items. The system officially went live in October, and the Art Museum is starting to substantiate the TMS database and to use the system in managing other aspects of its collection. To kick-start the project, the Art Museum is currently digitising records of an array of Guangdong paintings bestowed on the Museum in 1973 by the late Professor Jen You-wen (簡又文教授).

With TMS, museum staff will be able to manage permanent and new collection items, record important data, conduct research and plan exhibitions more efficiently. The Art Museum is also planning to open the system for community members in the future. Students, staff, researchers and scholars alike will be able to browse and search the Museum's collection by using TMS, thus enhancing the quality of teaching and research.

Recent Donation from the Bank of America Charitable Foundation – Art Museum

The Bank of America Charitable Foundation has awarded the Art Museum US$110,000 through The Chinese University of Hong Kong Foundation, Inc., for the Preservation of Hong Kong's Artistic Legacy Project. Since 2010, the Charitable Foundation has provided grants to leading cultural institutions around the globe, including the National Portrait Gallery (London), the Musée d'Orsay (Paris), The Museum of Modern Art (New York) and the Tokyo National Museum. The Art Museum of CUHK is the first and only recipient of this prestigious grant in Hong Kong.

Back to Issue
ICS and Me
Event: 2014 ICS Luncheon IV – Stories of Fu Baoshi: Multiple Duplicates of the Same Paintings
Event: 2014 ICS Luncheon V – On the Research and the Upcoming Exhibition of Hindustan Jades
Event: Public Lectures by Professor Dorothy J. Solinger and Professor Thomas P. Bernstein
Event: Public Lecture by Dr Dimitri Drettas on 'Dream cutouts and ghostly interactions – The shaping and transmission of Chinese oneirocritique'
Event: Workshop and Lectures on Mughal Jade – Art Museum
Event: Workshop on the Naxi Language – T.T. Ng Chinese Language Research Centre
Event: The 3rd Renditions Distinguished Lecture Series on Literary Translation – Research Centre for Translation
New Publications
Event Highlights: ICS Luncheon
Event Highlights: Splendid Images: Chinese Paintings from the Eryi Caotang Collection – Art Museum
Event Highlights: Open Books: Artists and the Chinese Folding Books – Art Museum
Event Highlights: USC 50th Anniversary International Conference: Ideology, Power and Transition in China, and the 11th Graduate Seminar on China (GSOC) – Universities Service Centre for China Studies
Editorial Board Committee
Past Issues
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