Journal of Chinese Studies, no71, Institute of Chinese Studies

Number 71 (July 2020) of the Journal of Chinese Studies has been published. It contains 7 articles, 8 book reviews and spans 243 pages.
- Wu Zhu, "The Timely Manner of Confucius and the Personality Symbolism of Birds and Beasts: A New Interpretation of 'Analects' 10.27"
- Tao Jin, "How Did the Chinese Buddhist Exegetes Mark up the Three-Dimensional Structures of Their Commentaries? Zhenjian 真鑑 and His 'Gan-zhi'干支 Method"
- Lawrence Wang-chi Wong, "'Now your ambassador requests to allow the foreigners to preach freely? ' The Preaching Issue in Emperor Qianlong’s Second Letter to the British King in the Macartney Mission"
- Yu Wanli, "A Study of the Circumstances behind the Writing of the 'Four Books of Wang Niansun and Wang Yinzhi'”
- Li Jiaqi, "Translation or Exaggeration: Guo Songtao’s 'Shixi jicheng' in the West"
- Hsu Huilin,"Uncorrupted Officials, Collaborators, and the Yellow River: The Art of Governance in 'The Travels of Lao Can'"
- Wu Wan-yi, "Between Enlightenment and Entertainment: The Theatre Reform Practice of the Beijing Female Opera Troupe Zhide She in the Early Republic of China"
Book Reviews
- Jonathan Karam Skaff, "Empire of Style: Silk and Fashion in Tang China". By BuYun Chen
- Fabienne Jagou, "A History of Modern Tibet, Volumn 4: In the Eye of the Storm: 1957–1959". By Melvyn C. Goldstein
- Giulia Cabras, "Negotiating Inseparability in China: The Xinjiang Class and the Dynamics of Uyghur Identity". By Timothy Grose
- Julia K. Murray, "The Kongs of Qufu: The Descendants of Confucius in Late Imperial China". By Christopher S. Agnew
- Joel Andreas, "Beneath the China Boom: Labor, Citizenship, and the Making of a Rural Land Market". By Julia Chuang
- Richard Madsen, "Buddhism After Mao: Negotiations, Continuities, and Reinventions". Edited by Ji Zhe, Gareth Fischer, and André Laliberté
- Hugh R. Clark, "The Way of the Barbarians: Redrawing Ethnic Boundaries in Tang and Song China". By Shao-yun Yang
- Ho Hon Wai, "The White Lotus War: Rebellion & Suppressionin Late Imperial China". By Yingcong Dai
For more details, please visit the Journal of Chinese Studies website:
21st Century Bimonthly, Issue 181 (October 2020), Research Centre for Contemporary Chinese Culture

21st Century Bimonthly was launched in October 1990. To celebrate the 30th anniversary of the publication, a special commemorative special issue was produced. Around 20 editorial members contributed their articles, and a poetry inscription by Prof. Yu Ying-shih, as well as a message of congratulations from Prof. Chen Ning Yang were received.
- Chen Fong-ching, "Three Decades in the Blink of an Eye: The Way Forward for China"
- King Y. C. Ambrose, "'Twenty-First Century' and the World over the Past Three Decades"
- Hsu Cho-yun, "An Outlook of Our World in the Next Generation: Speculating on the Occasion of the Thirtieth Anniversary of 'Twenty-First Century'
- Jin Guan-tao, "The Origins of an Ideological Crisis in Contemporary Society"
- Liu Qing-feng, "Reminiscences after Thirty Years"
- Weng J. S. Byron, "Three Takes on the 'China Model'"
- Leung Yuen-sang, "The Last Thirty Years of Change: China and the Bimonthly"
- Liu Zai-fu, "Reflection and Cognition on Truth"
- Liu Xiao-feng, "Revaluation of Samuel P. Huntington’s 'The Clash of Civilizations'"
- Shen Zhi-hua, "Historical Lessons for Today: The Origins of the American-Soviet Cold War Reconsidered"
- Zhang Long-xi, "Remarks and Reflections on the Thirtieth Anniversary of 'Twenty-First Century'"
- Ji Wei-dong, "For the Innovation of Institutional Paradigm in the Twenty-First Century"
- Zhao Ding-xin, "'Twenty-First Century' and the Twenty-first Century World"
- Angela Ki Che Leung, "Chinese State and Society in Epidemic Governance: A Historical Perspective"
- Gu Xin, "Intermediate Hosts of Novel Coronavirus: Populism, Racism, and Nationalism"
- Ren Jian-tao, "China’s Position in the Reconstruction of World Order"
- Zhang Ming, "A Time of Tremendous Change"
- Chow Po-chung, "Without Freedom of Thought, No Development of Chinese Culture"
- Cheung Chi-wai, "Weary Yet Passionate: Some Thoughts on the Publication of 'Twenty-First Century' after Thirty Years"
The three academic papers published discuss the tragic and profound historical lessons during the early stages of the People’s Republic of China.
- Chen Yi-xin, "State, Food, and Counterrevolutionaries: Cases in Rural Anhui during the Great Leap Forward"
- Zhang Ji-shun, "Troubled Production in a Troubled Time: Zhou Enlai and the Movie 'Li Shanzi' on the Eve of the Cultural Reolution"
- Hu Ming-hui, "Qu Qiubai’s 'Superfluous Words': A Political and Cultural History of an Enigmatic Text"
21st Century Bimonthly, Issue 182 (December 2020), Research Centre for Contemporary Chinese Culture

The topic of this issue of “21st Century Review” is “Propaganda and Mobilisation in the Era of New Media Age”. During the 2020 pandemic, the popularity of the new media has spawned an “infodemic” that has no less impact than the COVID-19 virus, involving different levels in politics and in society. Three articles explore the topic from different angles. In terms of academic papers, research articles on Internet users’ information cognition and media discourse are also published.
The Twenty-First Century Review
Hu Yong, "The Transmission Mechanism of 'Infodemic' and Post-Truth Politics in the COVID-19 Era"
Liu Hai-long, "The Evolution of the Chinese Propaganda Model and Its Logic in the Global Context"
Chang Jiang, "Popularizing Propaganda: Digital Media and Patriotic Mobilization in Contemporary China"
Research Articles
Ma De-yong, "Rationality or Political Stance? Chinese Netizens’ Information Cognitive Ability and Public Opinion"
Huang Pei-ying, "From Neoliberalism to Post-Materialism: The Discursive Turn in Media Representation of Hong Kong Agricultural Space"
Zhu Tao, "Wartime 'Cooperation' between the Japanese Army and Xiang-bao: The Reconstruction of Rural Order in Yueqing of Wenzhou during Japanese Occupation"
Shi Yan, "The Idea and Practice of Labour Education before the Cultural Revolution: A Case Study in Secondary Education"
Discourses and Peripatetic Notes
- Tang Xiao-bing, "The Withering Away of Chinese Elite Culture in Twentieth-century China"
View on the World
Wu Zi-qi, "Palais de la Porte Dorée: From the International Colonial Exposition to the National Museum of the History of Immigration"
Renditions, No. 94 (Autumn 2020), Research Centre for Translation
Renditions no. 94 is a general issue featuring a rich collection of poetry. We begin with a special section devoted to the great Song-dynasty poet Lu You’s 陸游 ci poems translated by Philip Watson, followed by selected Tang verse celebrating the talents of a woman poet, Shangguan Wan’er 上官婉兒, and two acerbic poems by Meng Jiao 孟郊. Our final poem is of recent vintage, Cai Xin’s 蔡欣 ‘If on an Island-State, an Old Man’ 如果在島國,一個老人. Other highlights include Wang Zengqi’s 汪曾祺 story ‘The Boy Who Fished for People’ 釣人的孩子 and Yu Guangzhong’s 余光中 essay ‘When Spring Comes to the Peninsula’ 春來半島.
Special Section: Lu You’s Ci Poems
Lu You: Selected Ci Poems. Translated by Philip Watson
Selected Tang Verse on Shangguan Wan’er. Translated by Rebecca Doran
Zheng Yin: A Respectfully Submitted Companion Piece to His Majesty’s Poem, ‘Visiting Lady of Bright Countenance Shangguan’s Residence’: Four Poems
Lü Wen: Song of Lady of Bright Countenance Shangguan’s Library
Meng Jiao: Two Poems. Translated by Cathrine Witzling The Road to Chang’an The Song of the Beautiful People in Bashang
Sun Daoqian: The Reminiscences of My Deceased Daughter: excerpt. Translated by Hangbin Bu
Zhu Xiang: Wayfarers. Translated by Lifeng Ouyang
Xu Zhuodai: Three Stories The Bath House Philosopher. Translated by Shuhui Yan The Love Agent. Translated by Sunny Yuchen Liu At Long Last We Meet. Translated by Maria Hongying Zheng
Wang Zengqi: The Boy Who Fished for People. Translated by Andrew F. Jones
Yu Guangzhong: When Spring Comes to the Peninsula. Translated by Yuk Sunny Tien
Xie Hong: Am I Very Important. Translated by Jicheng Sun and Hal Swindall
Cai Xin: If on an Island-State, an Old Man. Translated by Cheow Thia Chan
Studies in Chinese Linguistics (Volume 41, Number 2), T. T. Ng Chinese Language Research Centre
Studies in Chinese Linguistics (volume 41, number 2) has been released. There are four articles in this issue.
- John C. Wakefield: "The Syntax and Semantics of Cantonese Particles in the Left Periphery"
- Joanna Ut-Seong Sio, "The Dual Identity of the Post-Verbal 'Can1' in Cantonese: A Non-Specific Resultative Particle and a Free Choice Item"
- Charles Lam, "The V-one-V Construction and Modification of the Verbal Domain in Cantonese"
- Sheila S.L. Chan, Lawrence Y.L. Cheung, "Morpho-Syntax of Non-VO Separable Compound Verbs in Cantonese"
This is an open-access journal distributed by Sciendo (formerly known as De Gruyter Open). PDF copies of these articles can be downloaded freely via
Current Research in Chinese Linguistics (Volume 99, Number 2), T. T. Ng Chinese Language Research Centre

Current Research in Chinese Linguistics (volume 99, number 2) was released. There are 10 articles in this issue.
- Cheng Hai Chew, "Issues Concerning the Chinese Languages in Various Chinese Speaking Communities: An Exploration from the Perspective of the Global Development of the Chinese Language"
- Rulong Li, "The Maritime Silk Road and Min Dialects"
- Daryoosh Akbarzadeh, "Čīnēstān, China the Toponym and China the Kingdom (Sasanian to Post-Sasanian Texts)"
- Yihua Zhang, "Memetic Calque of Chinese in English for Cross-cultural Communication: A Corpus-based Study of Language Contact"
- Nattanit Chamsuwanwong, "Subjectivity of Numeral Expressions with Non-numeral Meaning in Chinese and Second Language Acquirers’ Understandings Analysis"
- Wei Luo, Shan Wang and Rui Liu, "An Analysis of Teacher Talk in the Game-based Approach"
- Xiaoshi Hu, "Two Concepts of Locality: The 'Respectively-interpretation of Fenbie'"
- Jinghan Zeng and Yulin Yuan, "Implicit Negative Adverbs and their Semantic Features in Mandarin: Using Gan as an Example"
- Toby Wing-Chun Ng, "The Grammatical Properties of 'Zik1 Hai6' and its Discontinuous Construction 'Zik1 Hai6......Aa4' in Cantonese"
- Dazhen Wu, "Lexicalization and Semantic Change: Cantonese 'Si3 Gwo3'"
PDF copies of these articles can be downloaded freely via |